Only 2 years of foreign language

My D24 only has two years of high school Spanish (Span 2 and 3). One school on her list requires 3 years (and recommends 4). She has no plans of adding a third year of Spanish at this point. Is it still worth applying, or would she be automatically denied admission?

She will not automatically be denied.

Without knowing the specific university, in general, completing level 3 is equivalent to 3 years for university admissions in your kid’s case.

Again, depending on the college, the fewer courses taken in HS could result in more being needed in college if they have a FL requirement as part of gen ed.


She will not automatically be denied.

A recent chat on here related to math - adds some context.

To some schools, Spanish 3 will = three years.

Others say they’ll want three years in HS.

If it’s an app requiring a lot of effort, ask an admissions counselor. They’ll flat out tell you - although it may be a - we look at everyone holistically answer and please apply if you feel you belong type thing.

Or take your chance - and just know in your mind, it’s unlikely - so it will be a pleasant surprise.

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My son’s school recommends 4 years in order to satisfy the language requirement. He was only able to fit in 2 credits in high school. He has to take more language in college, but it didn’t hurt his admission.

Thank you, all!

This would be a good question to ask the AO. My son has only taken 1 year of Spanish in High School, but it was AP Spanish and he got a 5 on the AP test. (He had been in a dual language program since kindergarten.)

I have been able to ask at several colleges (Cal Poly, Santa Clara U, Carleton, Lawrence U) and all have said that because of the level of Spanish, it would fulfill the requirement. Most have advised the optional essay section to explain the circumstances.

Since you have a specific school in mind, I would encourage your daughter to email the AO and ask.

My D took Spanish to level 3 (including one HS class taken in middle school that did appear on her HS transcript) and was fine at a college that wanted 3 -4 years.

FWIW she chose to start a new foreign language to fufill her college requirement.

Worth an application if D is interested in the college.

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