for major awards, it would look much better to be "state champion at ", “1st place at _”, etc
However, I have never really won anything major, but I have won a bunch of 2nd places. Is that worthy of being considered a major award for the application? It just doesn’t sound as good…
Thanks for any input
2nd place is 2nd winner.
I’d say as long as the award isn’t the equivalent of participant, anything up to semi-finalist is fine.
2nd place still sounds better than nothing. I agree that anything above a participation award is worth listing. Ever notice how movie commercials always mention academy award nominations if the person hasn’t won?
Are you familiar with a long-running gag about a committee searching for the best candidate for some position who meets with all the respondents who considered themselves the best for the job, but of whom the committee also asks in interview, “Next to you, who would you say is the best person for the job?”
When many of the respondents named the same #2 as their choice, the committee hired that guy.
You will do great.