OOS Scholarships

I currently attend a high school in Maryland and am applying for the OOS scholarships this weekend. On the website it states that I need to send a transcript from grades 9-11 to apply. My high school transcript has my senior year on it and the grades I will receive this semester, how do I get a transcript for only grades 9-11?

Don’t worry about it. Just have your school send your transcript.

? The semester isn’t over, so how can it have the grades you’ll receive this semester??

I am currently in the dual enrollment program and I wont be sending my transcript until December to UoA. My semester for college ends soon and the grades get reported back to my high school and record on my transcript. Will UoA look at the grades from this year (senior year) in terms of determining scholarships?

Only grades 9-11 are considered. But if you think that it might be a problem, send the transcript now.

Edited to add - after reading your other post, it seems that you don’t currently have a 3.5 for the scholarship but expect to with your senior grades added in. I am not sure that UA will consider those, but you never know.

Don’t wait until Dec…they could be sent too late for scholarship consideration. Schools are notoriously slow at sending transcripts in Dec…extremely slow because they get all backed up.

Why are you waiting since grades 9-11 are considered. Just have your school send your transcript NOW. Those will have grades from 9-11.

Your college classes, etc, don’t need to be sent now since those are senior year grades.

No, Alabama will not look at senior year grades for scholarships.

Your first Q was “how do I get a transcript with only grades 9-11”. Well, if you have your school send your transcript NOW, then it will ONLY have grades from 9-11 because your college grades will not yet be recorded.

So, request that your GC send your transcript NOW.

Once you matriculate they will get a final high school transcript with all your grades, also they will need a transcript from the college you did dual enrollment at, but that is to receive college credit.

For the application they need your junior transcript with your cumulative GPA from year 9-11

I second the suggestion to get that transcript ordered NOW! It takes a little while for it to process through UA’s system. The sooner you do it the better.

I do not have the 3.5 GPA right now required to receive OOS scholarships unfortunately, should I not bother applying for scholarships through UoA?

They have lesser scholarships as well. I don’t know if they will consider senior grades. You could call and ask how they calculate GPA and if you would qualify.

@brooke4998 is your gpa weighted or unweighted? UA will use a weighted gpa to determine scholarships.

@2big2babies It’s 3.1154 weighted, sucks that they don’t consider senior grades because my college courses are weighed and I’m set to get 4 A’s this semester :frowning:

Well everyone needs to apply with junior grades because of the timelines.

contact your local UA Alumni chapter and ask how you can apply for a scholarship through them! I know the local Atlanta chapter provides a few scholarships each year.

Your senior year grades will not count towards scholarship. You need a combination of GPA and SAT or ACT score to earn scholarships. See the link I posted here:


Of course, you can contact the Scholarship office to ask any questions you have:Telephone

Local: (205) 348-8201
Toll Free: 1 (800) 933-BAMA (2262)

Speak to your parents, perhaps they are willing to pay Out of State tuition.

What is your Math + CR score?

@mom2collegekids 1390

How about your instate options? Are there any that would have a similar cost of $15 k, what UA would cost for fees, room, board, travel?

Do you qualify for any federal or state aid?

UoA has always been my top school choice, I qualify for federal and state aid since me and my brother will be in college at the same time starting fall 2016


Looks like UMD-CP instate cost for tuition, room and board is about $21 k

Would you qualify for a merit scholarship there? Deadline to apply is Nov 1 !!

Did you run net price calculator to see if you would qualify for financial aid?


Some of the schools at the above link have a lower GPA requirement.

Well the state aid would most likely only apply if you stay instate.