Opinions of My Chances Please

<p>Please chance me and I will chance back! I just want your honest opinions b/c I am stressed out about the possibility of not getting into any of them!</p>

<p>Rank: school doest not rank but counselor said top 6% at the worse out of 450 people in my grade
GPA: 4.22 w, 3.84 u/w
standardized tests: SAT 2290(760CR, 740M, 790 W w/ 11 on essay), took for the last time
october so get the results back next thursday
ACT 34, will
take again in december if sat isn’t 2350
SAT II’s: math 2( 780), us history (700), physics(750), chemistry(710),
will take sciences again later this year b/c took them 6 months after
taking the courses
AP’s: euro history(5), us history(5), statistics(5), will take 6 more
AP tests in May
Exreacuriculars(in school): 1. spanish club 9,10,11 grades
2. Childrens specialized hospital club 11,12 to comfort kids in
local hospital
3. cinema club 9,12
4. ultimate frisbee club 9,10,12
5. cross country 9,10,11,12 w/ varsity honors
6. winter track 9,10,12 w/ varsity honors
7. spring track 9,10,11 w/ varsity honors
8. fishing and outdoors club(founder and president)
9. baseball 12 hopefully varsity
Extracurriculars(outside of school): 1. kumon learning 9,10
2. mandarin school on saturdays 9,10
3. basketball league 9,10,12(champs 9,10)
4. physics tutor for two juniors(paid)
5. volunteering in numerous things(at least 150 hours)
Awards/Honors: 1. 3 varsity letters for sports
2. commended national merit scholar w/ 214
3. national honors society 11, 12 b/c starts only in 11th grade
4. in town basketball champs(9,10)
5. numerous running medals and ribbons( our team is in the top 10 xc
teams in the northeast)
6. student of the marking period 9th grade
Work experience: inventory specialist during the summer of 2010(30 hours a week)
physics tutor for two juniors
family business requires help in the summer
Advantages: 1. taking the most rigorous course load(9 APs w/ one studied for alone)
2. come from a competitive high school that sends at least 20 kids to ivies
many to other great schools
3. first generation student since both parents went to high school in china but
thats it</p>

<p>Schools applying to: EA: MIT(top choice), Michigan, Tulane
RD: Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, UPENN, Brown, Columbia,
RPI, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, USC, Northwestern, Wash U
St Lou
What I think: I think I have a good shot at HYP, but will probably end up at a mid to low
ivy. however, i do hope mit takes me because of what they see in me
besides my numbers.</p>

<p>What do you think, honestly? Just help me calm my anxiety attack and I will help you if I can. Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>For Brown - [Brown</a> Admission: Facts & Figures](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University)</p>

<p>You have a good shot at Brown - every Ivy League is a reach for every applicant - it’s just what degree of a reach it is</p>