Opinions on schedule to boost GPA

So EE requires coding? If so, them go to a different engineering field. Maybe he can pass the coding class (CS 100) with a light load.

I have talked to many engineers that took Calc II at least twice and they are very good at what they do. A struggle in one class does not define a student. In fact, adversity can be the defining moment in a career.

He should not get disheartened. I had my struggles in engineering school back in the day. The program is not a cake walk by any stretch.

This may have been updated since 2013 (the latest I could locate), but I’m see two required CS classes on the EE Flowchart, CS150 and CS351: http://ece.eng.ua.edu/files/2013/09/EE-Flowchart-2013-fall.pdf


Electrical Engineering Changes

Old programming sequence:

CS 150 (2 hours)

ECE 285 (3 hours)

CS 351 (2 hours) 7 hours total

New programming sequence:

CS 100 (4 hours)

Restricted Area Elective (3 hours)

7 hours total


Thanks, @Class2012Mom. I think the OP knows all this, but in case anybody else is weighing majors, it’s important information to have.