<p>In general, are optional essays worth doing? It seems like most of them are usually about why you want to attend the specific school. I plan to definitely do the optional essay for one school where I have a very specific reason for wanting to go there, but for the others, I don't feel like I have a very compelling reason.</p>
<p>Write it. If your stats are above the 75th percentile and it isn't YHS, it may not matter. Otherwise, it does.</p>
<p>My experience has been that if there is an optional essay that allows you to articulate your interest in that particular school, it is best to write a thoughtful essay. If I was advising someone close to me how to approach these essays, my advice would be to treat them as mandatory rather than optional. The last thing you want is for a law school to question your intentions when applying to that school and to decline your admission as a result. I wouldn't want to take that chance.</p>
<p>thanks, will do</p>