Options for a psychology major ?

I’m a highschool junior and I’m trying to decide on a major. I would really like to study psychology and the trends and patterns in other countries, doubling in an international affairs field. I don’t even know if this job exists though. I wanted to ask if it does and if there any opportunities similar to this where I can work abroad and/or in international affairs with a major in psychology?

My grandpa’s experience with Psychology degree was he couldn’t find many jobs, only state jobs working minimum wage. He always told me never do it, but that’s just his experience.

I’ve got a psych degree and work as a tax accountant. Skills are transferrable.

That said, you’re going to have to sell yourself harder and look deeper.

A psych major would probably come in very handy for the CIA in intelligence gathering and/or analysis, like dealing with people’s motivations and behavioral analyses.

My H was a psych major and is now a lawyer. He says that the psych training has helped him every day in his practice.

Yes, that job exists - although it has many names.

In the Army, it’s called psychological operations, or psyops: https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/browse-career-and-job-categories/intelligence-and-combat-support/psychological-operations-specialist.html. (Civil affairs specialists are also similar.)

You might also be interested in a career as a consular officer or public diplomacy officer: https://careers.state.gov/work/foreign-service/officer/career-tracks/

Cross-cultural and international psychology are also real fields.