<p>White Male Junior in a highly regarded public school. I hope to major in math, engineering, or comp sci related major.</p>
<p>GPA (assumption for the end of the year):
Unweighted: 3.95
Weighted: 4.65+
A's in every class for Sophomore and Junior Years; Freshman- B in Comp Sci I and French II H
Freshman: Earth/Space Sci GT, Comp Sci I(Honors Class), US History GT, English 9 Honors, Geometry GT, Required PE/Health classes, French II Honors
Sophomore: AP Govt, Bio GT, Comp Sci III AP, French III Honors (GT not offered), Algebra II GT, Advanced Object Oriented Design GT, English 10 GT (AP non existent at sophomore level)
During Summer school, I took Precalc to get ahead (showing initiative?)
Junior: World History AP, Guitar I (fine arts requirement), Calc AB AP, French IV Honors (GT not offered), Chem GT, Computer Sci IV (AP no longer offered by College Board), English 11 AP (Language and Comp Test)
Senior planned schedule: Physics A/B and C AP(two sections, both courses), English 12 AP (Literature Test), Calc C AP, Psych AP, Math/Tech/Science Research for Two Periods (GT, used to work on comp sci/programming and web-related development)</p>
<p>Scores (here's where the problems start):
1990 SAT (1880 previous)
700 Math (610 previous exactly)
650 Writing (600 something previous)
640 Verbal (600 something previous)
5 on Comp Sci and Govt Exams
Planning to take ACT in June
Took WHAP, Calc and English, waiting for scores
Planning on physics tests, calc, literature and maybe Psych tests senior year
Planning on SAT's for Math II, WHAP on June 5th, and I'm going to prepare for Physics during the Summer (take it in October)</p>
Big one (Sophomore and Junior)- Web Admin for past 2 years...developed and maintain my school site constantly, leader in development and stuff (is this a leadership position?)
Math Team- Participated in the ARML test and the UMD test...got my ranks back (not very good at all)
FBLA (Sophomore and Junior)- Reached state level for word processing and database design and applications
Table Tennis Club (Last 3 years)
School Tech Team Member (Last 3 years) - participated in American Computer Science League AllStars and several regional programming competitions. I was captain of the 5-Man Intermediate Team this year (leadership?).
Judo (Last 3 years, in hiatus) - progressed through orange belt, skipped a total of two belts
National Honor Society (this year)
SGA member (this year) - fluff, nothing really there
Track Team (this year) - spring track, sprinter (I was really bad, but I stayed throughout the entire season)</p>
I have several skills including fluency in 5-10 programming/scripting/markup languages (depending on what you consider is in those categories)
Extensive work with databases online and offline</p>
<p>Community Service:
I have at least 30 hours, and I'll try to get more over the summer.</p>
<p>Work Experience:
I'm looking for Computer Science/Engineering paid internships during the summer.</p>
School AP Scholar
Regional Awards for FBLA</p>
<p>I'm looking to apply to a bunch of different schools. What are my chances for CMU:CSC and CTI, UMichigan Engineering, Illinois Urbana (if that's the Engineering School?), UPenn Engineering, RPI, and Rose-Hullman? Also, can people tell me any other good options?</p>
<p>And if I improve my SAT math significantly (750+) or get a very high ACT score (30-32+), would my chances to better colleges increase?</p>