Options to NOT Participating in Greek Life?

My daughter was accepted into UA and is very excited about the possibility to attend. One thing that she is concerned about is that based on her research many incoming freshman rush their first year. She is NOT interested in rushing (as least in her freshman year). She just doesn’t want to feel like she is the “odd unfriendly kid” just because she is not interested in a sorority as she wants to focus on adjusting to a new environment, classes, and making friends, etc… Being that UA has a very high Greek participation, can anyone share thoughts on how comfortable freshman are who do NOT want to rush and participate in Greek life?

There are plenty of freshman girls that do not rush. The one suggestion I will make is that when she does her roommate search, she tries to room with someone who will also not be rushing. Girls that rush will be very, very busy the first semester. She also might want to eliminate Tut from her housing options. Although not all girls that live there rush, the majority do, and again, will be busy with sorority life. There are many clubs and organizations to get involved with besides a sorority. Here is a link to many of those options- https://ua.campuslabs.com/engage/organizations There will also be “Get Onboard Day” on the quad in the early fall where all of these organizations have tables set up for info and signups. Encourage your dd to attend and sign up for a few clubs that match her interests.

I would STRONGLY recommend having your daughter sign up for Camp 1831. My dd did rush but her 3 suitemates did not. They all went to Camp 1831 together and they met a wonderful group of other students - guys and girls who all hang out together. It was a great experience for the entire group and they would all recommend it for others. Because of sorority obligations (and classes, and clubs, etc…) my dd does not have as much time with this peer group as she would like but since her 3 roommates are all a part of this group she does see go out with them as often as her schedule allows. They go out for food, go to the games together, hang out, etc… She loves Greek life but has mentioned on more than one occasion that she would have been fine and found her people without it.

I’m really glad you asked this question as I was wondering the same thing.

Freshman year, it seems like all the girls do sorority rush…realistically, around 60% do. But that number falls as some girls figure out it’s not for them. The number eventually drops to around 1/3 of the students involved with social sororities. She will need to get connected to others via her interests. Get On Board Day to sign up for various clubs and organizations…Camp 1831 is a great way…there are student fan groups that attend sporting events, lots of different ways to make friends.

Also advise an early action activity. I don’t remember why, but the Get On Board Day was cancelled this past freshman class so it did limit opportunities for some kids.

My DS has many friends, male & female, none of them are in the Greek system, so there are other opportunities. Just DON’T have her room w/ anyone who is rushing if she can help it.

I believe the weather was the problem. There is always a second semester GOB day. It is set for Jan. 17, 2018, from 5 to 9 p.m., Ferguson Center ballroom and second floor.