Ordering books for English class

<p>Tonight we thought we would get a jump and order books for school in fall. At efollett.com when we enter the EnGlish class 106, 3 pages of books are listed! One of the "books" states "out of stock, Go to class first before buying any books". So obviously son isn't going to have to have on hand 3 pages of books that day. But why would there be such a variety after selecting specifically ENGL 106? The teacher must tell the students that first day specifically what they will need? If so, I guess there is no way to order early/cheaper. Any one have advice or insight? Thank you.</p>

<p>One of the things that I noticed with efollett.com is that for some of the courses you can actually choose a section (namely the ones with only one section where its just "01") while for others - English 106 would fall under this - it only gives the option of "all". I'm guessing that those are all of the texts used in the various sections and come the first day of class the professor will tell your son which from that list he'll be needing. </p>

<p>What you could try doing is emailing the professor and see if he/she would be willing to tell you which books you'll be needing ahead of time. While not every professor is responsive to this, most are fairly understanding and will help you out (I can't really speak for the professors at Purdue as I'll be starting up there in the fall also, but the ones at my previous school never had a problem with it). </p>

<p>If you're looking to buy books online, I wouldn't reccommend buying them from efollett.com. I did a quick search on half.com for the first book on the list (I had a little free time at work this morning) and found a new book for $17 than the used price on efollett. You might also consider checking out amazon.com and comparing prices.</p>

<p>THank you pkp_rc. We weren't actually ordering them from efollett, I should clarify. But we were going there first to see the official lists. We found quite a few bargains, even though the books were still new, at Amazon. I like your idea of emailing the professor, it wouldn't hurt to try. I'll tell son about that idea, thanks for your help.</p>

<p>english probably has many sections, each t.a. teaching it probably wants a different set of books. like i had stated before fresh. comp. is a very arbitrary class. some of my friends had engl 106 & 108 teachers that gave close to no homework, and when they did they almost always received A's. some of my other friends (including my roomie) had essays almost every week and were often graded very critically. </p>

<p>the best idea is just to go to the store and then have someone there help you out with getting the books. afterwards just buy the books online. get the isbn number and try to remember what the book looks like. in addition you can still try to sell books back to the bookstore (yes even the ones you bought online).</p>