Orgo and Physics

<p>Is it advisable to take Orgo 36 and Phys 3 in the Sophomore Spring? I want to study abroad, but can’t do that if I have take Physics Junior year.</p>

<p>Both classes are only offered in fall.</p>

<p>I meant Sophomore Spring.</p>

<p>I’m probably misunderstanding you, but by “Sophomore Spring” do you mean spring semester of your sophomore year? If you do, then my reply still stands; both classes are only offered in fall each and every year. If you don’t, maybe you can explain what you mean more explicitly.</p>

<p>Yes, I mean fall. It has been a long week.</p>

<p>I know some people who are taking them together this semester. Physics 3 isn’t really that technically difficult if you’ve got calculus, from what I’ve heard. 4 is a little harder, but it won’t overlap with Orgo for you.</p>

<p>Phys 3 and 4 do not use calculus. Also keep in mind that both Phys 3 and Orgo are lab classes, so that will mean several more hours in class each week.</p>