Orientation Freebies?

<p>I'm looking to get some more Miami gear, but I wanted to know what kind of stuff they give you at orientation so I don't go too overboard. Anyone know?</p>

<p>From my best recollection, t-shirts, string bag, plastic cup/lids…
Trust me…my DS’s closet is full of free t-shirts from the last few years. You never have to buy a t-shirt ever!</p>

<p>One of the students on the class of 2016 Facebook page actually suggested bringing some type of bag to Canefest because of the ridiculous amount of free stuff you get, lol. So I imagine there’s plenty!</p>

<p>Soooooo many t-shirts. And yeah Canefest will have a TON of random crap like cups, cheap bags, that sort of thing</p>

<p>So conflicted about going here… Is it good for biology/pre-med majors?</p>

<p>Yes, but you may want to post another thread to discuss your concerns. This thread was just about orientation.</p>