orientation question..where do we stay?

<p>i know orientation is like a three day process but where do the new students stay during these activities? i'm planning on commuting to ucla for the fall quarter, but does this matter for orientation?</p>

<p>When I went to orientation (and almost everyone else I knew who went to orientation) all the students were assigned a room in Rieber Terrace. It’s included as a cost of orientation, but I’m not sure if you can commute to orientation.</p>

<p>But in any case, living on-campus during orientation does not affect your housing situation for fall quarter. (The orientation program and housing at UCLA are separate)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t commute as it ruins the whole experience. Also, you’ll be staying up pretty late and the day starts pretty early. Of course, no one’s going to stop you from leaving.</p>