Orientation Registration

Trying to register for Orientation and Frog camp and its not open yet. The email says March 12 at 5:00 pm ct. Anyone else having an issue?

Yes, I’m having the same problem. They must’ve forgotten to put up the links before leaving for the day.

I see the reservation box now but it is giving me an error message when I click on it.

Me too! So annoying. Which Frog Camp are you signing up for?

Quest B. I’m coming from out of state and can only come to session 7 orientation.

Very annoying. D wanted mystery travel and by the time we got in it was wait-listed.

I can’t even get in past step 6! It shows ID number and a search box, but nothing works on the page!

I’m still getting an error message when I click on the reservation box!!

Now I can’t get past step 6!! I am so annoyed right now…I have been doing this for 2 hours!!!

Why are some people getting in, and others are not?! I am so angry right now.

Did you actually get past step 6? This step shows an Empl ID begins with and then your student ID number. The page doesn’t function correctly. It does nothing. Is this what you saw?

You need to log on at my TCU edu and in the search bar type “registration”

Sorry! I am just seeing the responses that others are still having issues logging in. My daughter tried logging in at 5 CST (4 MST) and could not get in. She was teaching a Pure Barre Class at 4:30 so she called me in a panic asking me to try and log in for her bc she could not get in. Cleared the cache, opened up a new browser and she finally learned that the only way to get in was through the search tab and typing registration. I hope this helps. Good luck!

I did that and it brings me to step 6. I can see the id number but everything is grey…you can’t move past this.

@Meresc That finally worked…Thank you!!!

log out, clear your cache, open up a new browser, go to my TCU and type registration in search. I understand your frustration and this is the only way I could get in and register for orientation and camp. I’m not sure what step 6 is? I didn’t get that. There were options on the left for orientation and camp. I clicked on those and made selections and “saved them.” If you do get in and registered I would strongly suggest printing confirmations. When I went back in to check her registration after printing the confirmations, I only got error messages. They are definitely having issues with the system and it’s unfortunate that it was so difficult to complete this process.

@Marsec I got in using your directions and it took me straight to the orientation page and bypassed the whole section where I had to add who was attending, contact info, etc. I had to go back in and add the missing info then it resent the confirmation via email. Thanks again for your help!!!

Finally completed this after 2.5 hours. Call Student Development Services at 817.257.7855 and have your student ID on hand. They were very helpful. They’re having tons of problems with this new system.

We went back around 10:30PM (we used the “registration trick” initially) and there was like an 11 step process to fill out. This is where it asks how many guests at orientation, etc. We filled it all out and our initial selections for orientation and frog camp were saved. If you did not fill out all of the sections - make sure you do it soon so you don’t risk losing your spot.