Orientation schedule

<p>My son is a "W" so he does not move in to this dorm until 8/16. Do we attend the orientation meetings on 8/15 or do we go on 8/16? And how many of the meetings are for the parents? And are siblings invited to attend or not?</p>

<p>I think this will all be clarified in the packet you get over the summer. There will be two distinct paths for parents and students. You will not see much of your son during the days that follow move-in. UM will offer you many things to do over that Thurs-Fri-Sat timeline, so you will be as busy as you want to be. Siblings are welcome to all parent events.
Don’t miss President Shalala’s brunch on Sat morning - seemed like most parents said their goodbyes and bugged out on Sat afternoon.</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your son!</p>

<p>You can move in early. I was later in the alphabet and they won’t stop you if you come. Even if you wanted to start moving in on the 15th and end on the 16th that would probably be wise. The elevators will have a good long line and it will take forever to move into your room, especially if you live up higher in the towers. Siblings are fine, doesn’t mean they’ll enjoy it. They have tons of events for both parents and students, (but I felt like the student ones were a bit lacking at times personally). But don’t try and take your son away from any events as its a great time to bond with the kids on his floor.</p>

<p>The orientation schedule is up online. There is nothing going on on the 15th besides move in for the beginning of the alphabet. I wish i was in ur position so my parent wouldn’t have to buy another night at the hotel. The first orientation event isn’t until late afternoon on the 16th.</p>

<p>I’m sure that you can choose to move in later…email housing and see if that is a better option for you. They have always been fairly flexible.</p>

<p>The move in dates are recommended to keep everyone from trying to come in at the same time, but they won’t stop you from checking in if you come earlier and they won’t penalize you for coming later. The exception is f you’re one of the specified majors to come early, you should definitely arrive on time then.</p>