OSU PSEO Vs. AP Classes?

<p>The deadline for the Pseop forms are May1, so I decided to write my essay during spring break.
But then I began to ponder if it's really worth it, and would Pseop give me a better chance at getting in my dream school (Haaarrrvarrrrrdd, lol jk) than regular AP classes.</p>

<p>I mean I'm probably just going to take a college math class at OSU b/c I'm currently finishing up the hardest math class offered at our school (AP Calc BC)...</p>

<p>So... Which would be better?</p>


<p>Short answer, I’d say yes. There is a big difference between taking a class in your high school with a high school teacher and high school classmates vs at a real university, with a real professor along side of real college students. While I’m sure it looks better to the adcoms the real advantage is the experience you get. It is all about fit, and this experience has certainly helped my daughter with her lists of what she wants and does not want in her final college choice.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>