<p>What a dead week - there is no buzz about the game. I know we aren't expecting much, but I just can't believe how little talk there is about the game.</p>
<p>And note to Dave B - how many students do you expect to see on time this Saturday?</p>
<p>What a dead week - there is no buzz about the game. I know we aren't expecting much, but I just can't believe how little talk there is about the game.</p>
<p>And note to Dave B - how many students do you expect to see on time this Saturday?</p>
<p>ChoatieKid did official tour yesterday (froze our toes off), plenty of buzz on campus. CK got the last “Beat OSU” pin at the M-Den at Briarwood. Angell Hall filled with tables and kids revving up for the game. We sensed spirit and pride everywhere we went, although the pre-tour presenter did joke when talking about the strength of U-M football that maybe this isn’t “the year.” But that’s what you love about Michigan, the great sense of spirit and belief in the team no matter what the record. Go Blue!</p>
<p>I am so hoping U of M beats OSU this year. I live in Columbus and have an intense dislike for anything Ohio State. They drive me crazy. People are fanatics. I had a coworker go to the local jail one time to get an autograph when she heard the player was getting released. It was ridiculous.</p>
<p>If we won, that would make up for all the *****ty games we’ve had all season. </p>
<p>but that would take a million miracles</p>
<p>And now there’s some very bad buzz re: Peppers…</p>
<p>Notable quotes from Saturdays loss to Iowa:</p>
<p>U-M coach Brady Hoke, on where the Wolverines go from here: The good thing is, the sun is going to come up tomorrow and we are going to regroup, and we have one more opportunity for our seniors in that stadium.</p>
<p>Asked what hed say to those who suggest the Wolverines have no shot against the Buckeyes, he stuck to the script.</p>
<p>No. 1, Id say were gonna play the game on Saturday, and this game has always been different in some ways, Hoke said Monday. Are they a good football team? Yeah, theyre a very good football team. Do we have to play better than weve played? I dont think theres any doubt about that.</p>
<p>From The Detroit News: [Michigan</a> coach Brady Hoke deals with heat | The Detroit News](<a href=“http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131126/SPORTS0201/311260029#ixzz2lmzH0021]Michigan”>http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131126/SPORTS0201/311260029#ixzz2lmzH0021)</p>
<p>I agree with Hoke. This will be a tough if not a close game in terms of the score. After all, it will be played at the Big House! May the best team win! Go Bucks!!! lol~</p>
<p>Welcome back Sparkeye. You might have missed this while you were away. </p>
<p><a href=“http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131106/SCHOOLS/311060121[/url]”>http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131106/SCHOOLS/311060121</a></p>
<p>If we won, that would make up for all the *****ty games we’ve had all season. </p>
<p>No it wouldn’t.</p>
<p>“No it wouldn’t.”
Redemption wise, yes. If you haven’t noticed, we’ve lost almost every time for the past 10 years. It can barely be considered a rivalry at this point. </p>
<p>They’re ranked #3 and have demolished every team they’ve face this year, meanwhile we’re riding the struggle bus. </p>
<p>Maybe not for you if you’re expecting us to be on the ranks of Alabama or something.</p>
<p>From a satisfaction perspective? Sure.
But from a evaluation of coaching competence perspective? Would it help? Sure, it will be a positive data point. But does it nullify the incompetence shown thus far? No.</p>
<p>Oh there’s definitely buzz… about how Michigan students are selling their tickets to OSU fans.</p>
<p>Thanks rjk for the update on Michigan’s upcoming fundraising campaign!! I’ve been busy - got married, relocated, and expecting my first-born next year! lol~ Hope everyone here is as merry as myself in this very special holiday season!
<p>Back to the topic, my gut tells me that THE GAME this year might be the epic trap for tOSU. My fingers remain crossed!! :p</p>
<p>Congrats Sparkeye! Best of luck! tOSU will not need it however. This game will not be close. You have a dilemma in two weeks Sparkeye. :-)</p>
never said that. you’re implying too much from my post</p>
<p>I think OSU is a little overrated and that it would be possible to win. Although, I thought we had Iowa in the bag when we were up by two touchdowns, so I guess I don’t really know what I’m talking about.</p>
<p>The Mich/OSU rivalry has been pretty dead for awhile, unfortunately (relative to what it was years ago). 2011 was great though, the stadium was really fired up.</p>
<p>Thanks, rjk! :p</p>
<p>THE GAME as I had predicted, tough and close in terms of scoring. It was entertaining nontheless, great efforts by both teams! Now I will continue to root for my beloved buckeye to go all the way undefeated this season as it did last year. Also, there is no dilema when it comes to which team will I be pullling for in the B1G Championship - Buckeyes all the way, UNLESS it’s the basketball season, in which case, I would be rooting for the No. 1 Michigan State. Go Bucks & Go States!! & G’Luck in the Bowl Game, Wolverines! :)</p>
<p>Some will say that they thought the 2-point conv was a terrible decision and that we should’ve just tied it and gone into OT. </p>
<p>But our offense had some serious momentum going and we were passing through their defense. Right after we tied it 35-35, OSU offense ripped through our defense and scored a touchdown in less than a minute.</p>
<p>going for 2 was the best in game coaching moment so far of hoke’s tenure. Given the circumstances in the game it is definitely the right call. The play call on the other hand sucked.</p>
<p>Going for 2 was the right call, but the play call sucked. Ultimately not kicking that field goal in the third quarter cost us the game.</p>
<p>Absolutely correct call on going for two. Michigan put out an outstanding effort against a very strong team. I am glad my blow out prediction was incorrect!</p>