I’ve come to the realization that my dream schools (Northwestern University and University of Notre Dame) most likely won’t happen, and that my backup school (UW Madison) isn’t really somewhere I want to go. What are some other options that I would more likely get into, and would like more than UW Madison?
I’m interested in music education, but I think I’d like to start off as undecided since I’m open to a lot of things. I’d like a mid-sized school most, with a marching band and preferably somewhere near a city. I’ve also been accepted to University of Kentucky and University of Mississippi. Also, I’m a senior, so it would need to be somewhere that still had open admissions.
White female
Home state Wisconsin (I’m fine with out of state)
Possible minor in German
Income is roughly $100,000/year
Estimated EFC $20,000
I would need financial aid (not really sure how much, but $20,000 isn’t realistic for my family)
UW GPA: 3.841
W GPA: 4.032
Class Rank: 17/335
These will probably go down some, there were some personal issues this semester and my grades dropped
Test Scores
ACT composite: 31 (35 English, 28 Math, 29 Reading, 30 Science, 8 Writing)
SAT: not reporting
AP Classes
AP Human Geography (4)
AP US History (3)
AP English Language and Composition (4)
AP European History (3)
5 honors courses (the max at my school)
Senior Schedule
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP English Literature
Human Anatomy and Physiology
German 5
Wind Ensemble
Tennis (9, 10, 11, 12)
Track & Field (10, 11)
Color Guard with Marching Band(9, 10, 11-Co-Captain, 12-Captain)
Pit Orchestra (9, 11, 12)
Jazz Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
Pep Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
German National Honor Society (10, 11-Treasurer, 12-Treasurer))
National Honor Society (11, 12)
Class Board (10, 11, 12-Class President)
Baton Twirling (9, 10, 11, 12-Assistant Captain for my group)
Assistant Baton Teacher Parks & Rec.(9, 10, 11, 12)
Women in Engineering Camp at UW Madison Summer 2014
Several state awards for German speaking/writing
Attended UW-Madison German Day in 9, 10, 11
State baton team member 2013
Placed in the top 10 in my division for baton twirling at nationals twice
I’ve won a few local titles for baton twirling (should I list these?)
First place rating at state solo & ensemble clarinet solo (you have to qualify for state at a local contest)