Notre Dame and Northwestern chances?

<p>I am a current senior. Notre Dame is my top choice, so I'm applying Early Action there. I will apply RD for Northwestern and I hope to visit some time this fall.</p>

<p>White female
Home state Wisconsin
Expected major is health sciences/biology (I want to be a PA)
Possible minor in German and/or music
Income is roughly $100,000/year
Estimated EFC $20,000
I would need financial aid (not really sure how much, but $20,000 isn't realistic for my family)</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.841
W GPA: 4.032
Class Rank: 17/335</p>

<p>Test Scores
ACT composite: 31 (35 English, 28 Math, 29 Reading, 30 Science, 8 Writing)
SAT: not reporting</p>

<p>AP Classes
AP Human Geography (4)
AP US History (3)
AP English Language and Composition (4)
AP European History (3)
5 honors courses (the max at my school)</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP English Literature
Human Anatomy and Physiology
German 5
Wind Ensemble</p>

Tennis (9, 10, 11, 12)
Track & Field (10, 11)
Color Guard with Marching Band(9, 10, 11-Co-Captain, 12-Captain)
Pit Orchestra (9, 11, 12)
Jazz Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
Pep Band (9, 10, 11, 12)
German National Honor Society (10, 11-Treasurer, 12-Treasurer))
National Honor Society (11, 12)
Class Board (10, 11, 12-Class President)
Baton Twirling (9, 10, 11, 12-Assistant Captain for my group)
Assistant Baton Teacher Parks & Rec.(9, 10, 11, 12)</p>

Women in Engineering Camp at UW Madison Summer 2014
Several state awards for German speaking/writing
Attended UW-Madison German Day in 9, 10, 11
State baton team member 2013
Placed in the top 10 in my division for baton twirling at nationals twice
I've won a few local titles for baton twirling (should I list these?)
First place rating at state solo & ensemble clarinet solo (you have to qualify for state at a local contest)</p>

<p>I know I'm below average at both schools, but they are both schools I've had in mind for a long time and I would be happy to attend either one! Thanks for reading! :)</p>

<p>I dont know maybe a low reach. You definitely have a shot, I just dont know by how much. It would make it easier to say if you listed your intended major. </p>

<p>Notre Dame only has a marginal bias to EA, and that’s because they have better resumes, as I’ve heard. It might benefit you to take the ACT once more and try to bump up a point or 2. You certainly showed commitment to twirling, which should make up for the lack of service/volunteering outside of NHS.</p>

<p>Reach for both.</p>

<p>Chance me back (also ND and NW)!
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@arpeggios If I’ve already taken the ACT twice is it still worth it to take again? I got a 30 on my second try (did not so hot on the math portion…) in Septemeber. The assistant teaching position for twirling is volunteering, since I don’t get paid for it (right?). Also I march in a couple Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day parades every year. I know neither of these are things that will guarantee admission, but since I have some volunteering hours (2 hours/week during the school year), are my chances at all boosted?</p>

<p>@IJustWantInMan‌ intended major is currently biology with plans to become a physician assistant.</p>

<p>If you think the ACT would be a pointless endeavor, I’d suggest making you’re essays wonderful. Express your EC commitment, and be sure to imply that you line up with the values that ND wants to see. In my anecdotal experience, I went from a 34 to a 32 to a 35, so no guarantees.</p>

<p>2 hours a week of volunteering is definitely something to note in your activities.</p>

<p>Your ACT score is just shy of right for ND and NW. Don’t get me wrong, a 31 is an awesome score, but these schools probably see a lot of them, making you not stand out from the crowd in terms of test scores. I’d say that your EC’s and essay are your best bet to be admitted. Schools are looking for a diverse student body in ethnicity, talents, and beliefs. Your twirling talent makes you stand out among a sea of other applicants, and your dedication to so many clubs over the years, especially to twirling, helps to reinforce your status as a dedicated person. Despite all this, ND and NW are reaches for you, just as they’re reaches for everyone.</p>

<p>Have you considered applying to UW-Madison? For one thing, you qualify for in-state tuition, which looks like it would be a great help to your family for paying for college. You’ve also attended a couple seminars there which would look great on your application. It’s a great school, too. I really don’t think you could go wrong with UW-Madison. :)</p>

<p>@minohi‌ I’m planning on applying to UW-Madison, and it’s my main backup if I don’t get into Northwestern or Notre Dame, but I didn’t get the same connection with the campus that I did when I toured Notre Dame. Also, according to net price calculators, Notre Dame and UW Madison are within $1,500 of each other. It is definitely an option, though. :)</p>