Other LAC's like bates (less competitive)

<p>yeah I thought I had a pretty good shot at Bates...but I got deferred so obviously I am not what they are looking for (still a little ****ed)</p>

<p>I live near Sarah Lawrence and I want to tell you it is only for freaks, people go there have like 20 piercings in their face and stuff.</p>

<p>Most of these people think it's still 1970s and they're still hippies with how they look/act.</p>

<p>They dress like they don't belong in society, like outcasts, like white kids with their hair in dreadlocks and dyed all different colors.</p>

<p>They're is a large gay community which is great if you are gay/lesbian></p>


<p>Abby - sorry to hear about the deferral. It doesn't mean you've been rejected---so you may still have a shot. I gave you some back-up suggestions earlier, did you apply to any of them? If not, what are your back-ups?</p>

<p>try marlboro college or suny geneseo.</p>

<p>Deferred is not the end of the road. Stay in contact with them, letting them know they are still your first choice. Also, schools you may consider are Colby, Assumption College, Stonehill College, and as suggested by others Wheaton and Skidmore are great choices.</p>

<p>hey, i got in ED but i know of a few kids last year who got deferred ED and then accepted regular..i wouldnt worry. since you seemed torn btw bates and tufts maybe you really liked tufts more and just applied to bates cos you thought youd get in..maybe everything happens for a reason, maybe you werent really meant to be at bates because you didnt REALLY want to go. i just mean that like things happen for a reason, youll probably get into tufts, go and love it! you seem qualified for both schools, its probably that tufts just fits you better.</p>

<p>take a look at union college in upstate new york...
excellent school all around</p>

<p>Take a look at Bowdoin College. If you liked Bates this might be right down your alley. Even though people claim that Bowdoin is "preppy", that is not necessarily true. I have a wide variety of friends at Bowdoin who dress in different styles and different ways. In general people are extremely friendly and you'll definately find your niche.</p>

<p>except that bowdoin is not less competitive than bates. still a great school, i would have applied if things had gone differently. if you liked bates also look at colby, slightly less competitive than the other two. also carleton, haverford, and whitman (washington state--far away, but a GREAT school). good luck with everything!</p>

<p>stars878 when you say competitive are you talking about getting in? Or are you talking about the students within, there is a big difference.</p>

<p>i mean getting in wise. i'd say bowdoin is slightly harder to get into than bates, and the two are slightly harder to get into than colby. i mention this because the title of the thread is "liberal arts colleges less competitive than bates"</p>