Other NC Colleges...Important.

<p>My post was intended as a joke, btw.</p>

<p>If you have passion for languages, I would recommend gaining some travel/international experience to write about in your essays. Perhaps teaching English in China over a summer?</p>

<p>Regarding NCSU, though it perhaps may not be as selective as UNC, it is a great school is certain domains. Same with UNC: it’s great in certain domains, mediocre in others. NCSU is known mostly for its engineering, while UNC has no engineering (other than a joint BME program with NCSU). So while you can compare the two in terms of selectivity (which is what causes many to believe UNC to be “superior” to NCSU), it would be impossible to compare the two in terms of academic quality.</p>



<p>NCSU is a great school, but it is by no means as prestigious or as well-known as UNC. If you are in-state and want to be an engineer, State would be an obvious choice, but for pretty much everything else (except for Agricultural Science and the like) UNC is the clear favorite. The general stereotype for NCSU students is that many of them are UNC rejects; this is not always true (I have friends who have turned down UNC for NCSU engineering), but that is how many people perceive students from both schools nevertheless.</p>