Other NC Colleges...Important.

<p>UNC Chapel Hill is my FIRST TOP Choice, but just in case I don't get accepted, what other colleges in NC are good?</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.6
Class Rank: Top 7%
Grade: I am a sophmore. I'm taking 9 more APs.
Leadership: Public Relations Chairman of Key Club. Teacher's Assistant of SAT Chinese. Teacher's Assisant of AP Chinese. Teacher's Assistant of Pre-K Chinese. Youth Leader of Church.
Clubs: Key Club, French Club member. Environmental Club member. Human Rights & Justice Club member. Environmental Club member. Youth & Government. ...NHS next year (Junior year)
Awards: Awarded in chinese & piano
Volunteer: Yes, I do a lot.
SATs: 2000+</p>

<p>1.) Can I get into UNC CHapel Hill?
2.) What can I improve on?
3.) What other NC Colleges can I get accepted into?</p>

<p>PLease help and thank you in advance.</p>

<p>1.) Can I get into UNC CHapel Hill? - YES / Honors (at the rate your going)
2.) What can I improve on? - Call admissions get to know your rep. at UNC. -
If you can you may want to consider a larger leadership roll in a club. Keep your GPA up and do a little bit better on your SAT’s next year. Don’t burn out…
3.) What other NC Colleges can I get accepted into? All,- Depending on your family finances and the “finances of the state - next year” you may find that you can attend some great private schools for less than the state schools (Scholarships, grants). Davidson, Duke, Elon, Wake Forest.</p>

<p>Good luck and have fun…</p>

<p>Yes, you will definitely get in, but Honors is doubtful.</p>

<p>How can you tell them that Honors is doubtful? They’re only a sophomore. You look good so far!</p>

<p>Other colleges: Davidson and Duke (that are as prestigious or more prestigious)</p>

<p>A class rank in the top 7% and 2000 SAT, while this would very probably get the OP in (if he’s instate), would not get him into the honors program. However, since the OP is a sophomore, he has more than enough time to kick it up another notch if he wants to get into the honors program.</p>

<p>Yeah you’ll probably get in. Play a sport to improve your chances. UNC loves athletes. I think you’ll have a shot at all of the NC colleges.</p>

<p>Are you in-state? I don’t know, it’s too early to tell. I know a person who was 4.0, ACT32, top 3%, and lots of awards and clubs, and still waitlisted. But she was OOS, so it could be different.</p>

<p>Well, the UNC system has tons of campuses (campi?) that are scattered throughout the state, like UNC-Pembroke and UNC-Charlotte or UNC-Willmington and etc, but none are anywhere near as prestigious as Chapel Hill. Depending on your major, though, some of the other locations are more specialized-Charlotte/Asheville (I get them mixed up) is the arty one, and UNC Willmington has a great marine biology program.
All of this I’m guessing you know if you’re in-state…are you? Cause that makes a difference when applying/getting accepted.
Another awesome school that’s basically tied with Chapel Hill ranking-wise is Wake Forest, which is great and I am very bitter about because their financial aid is not the greatest. But that’s neither here nor there.
I’m sure Duke’s fine and all, but I don’t see why you would even want to consider it.
NC State is UNC Chapel Hill’s rival, I guess, but definitely not in academics, or in sports, come to think of it. It’s more rural/country in terms of its students as compared to UNC, and is an awesome school for engineering, design, architecture, and biotech (I think), but it’s no real competition for presige overall. It’s a very different demographic than Chapel Hill.
I’ve heard of Davidson, but nothing other than the name.
Are you a guy or a girl? Meredith is a great school, but it’s all female.
I’m running out of names…I think you’ve got an awesome shot at Carolina, and it sounds like it’d be a good fit for you.</p>

I’m in state btw.
I really want to do a sport too, to improve my chances of getting in, but I have no athletic ability whatsoever.
I really want to emphasize that I am strong in LANGUAGES. As you can see I’m involved heavily with Chinese, and I will also take AP French & AP English next year. But I want to show UNC Chapel Hill that languages are my strong point…is there anything else I can do to show Chapel Hill that?
Also, what is the honors program and how do I become qualified?
Thank you so much!</p>

<p>well, keep an open mind about where you want to go. i was set on unc- top 5% of my class and 2000 on my sats- and i got waitlisted :(</p>

<p>hey laura. I’m sorry about the waitlist, can you show me your stats so I know my where I am right now? Good luck! :slight_smile:
My class rank will improve since I will be taking more rigourous classes the next two years.</p>

<p>If you don’t get in this time, consider attending a community college and getting an Associate’s Degree first and then transferring in as a Junior. I didn’t apply to Chapel Hill or any other university after high school since I knew I was going to take the community college route, but my high school stats don’t even compare to a lot of the ones I’ve seen in here. I had a 4.0 weighted, no AP classes, no sports. I was in 2 clubs, but that’s about all the extra stuff I had. It seems to be much easier to get in as a transfer student.</p>

<p>You also don’t need SAT scores to transfer in but they’re recommended. I didn’t even take the SAT in high school; I just took it last December since it was recommended at Chapel Hill. I figured I better do as much as possible that they recommend. My score was 1900.</p>

<p>I’ll show you my stats and my friends stats. We were class of 2008. I got in he got waitlisted and didn’t get in off the waitlist.</p>

<p>I had a 3.7 uw and 4.8 weighted GPA. I don’t know my friends unweighted but his weighted was 4.7 something. We were both top 10% in our class at a competitive high school. I took 11 AP classes(6 senior year) and my friend took a few less than me. My SAT was 2030 and his was 2150. We both played a sport 4 years, I was varsity 3 years and captain senior year. He was varsity 2 years. We both did NHS, Key Club and had a position in Student Government. We are both in state white males who look great on paper. I got in and he got waitlisted. This is why I think it is so difficult to get into Carolina and why I know that tthe application essays play such an important role. Looking at our stats it is easy to see that either of us is smart enough for UNC but I think they picked me because of my essay. </p>

<p>As far as other schools we both got into Wake, State, and Davidson. He got into Elon i didn’t apply. I got waitlisted at duke he got denied.</p>

<p>Its incredible how much NCSU gets badmouthed (wjhsxc). NCSU does have a different demographic because they let in a wider variety of students (i’m sure you will say that they aren’t as high of quality student as a unc student). Its students are no where near as stuck up some carolina students are too. In addition, NCSU is not more rural in terms of students? where did you get that from. Thats completely untrue. NCSU is not a bad school. My whole family has gone to carolina, but i broke the mold and chose state. Before anyone makes a decision, they should visit state and make the decision for themselves. Don’t let people on here make up your mind for you because everyone is different and different schools fit people differently.</p>

<p>A sophomore in high school posting on here? Man, it’s great that you’re thinking about college, but it is too early. Here’s my advice - find out what you love doing, and work your tail off on that. Make good grades, too. Then, be a great person that everyone would support going anywhere.</p>

<p>If you do that, the colleges that won’t accept you, well, you wouldn’t want to go to anyway.</p>

<p>pkp20: thanks for the stats, they really helped me understand where i stand right now. </p>

<p>johnh, I hope I didn’t offend you in any way. I wasn’t badmouthing NCSU, in fact, it’s my 2nd choice of a school, I just prefer Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>Cloying - College is the top priority of my life so I’m getting started as soon as possible. As to what I love doing: I love tutoring, writing, spending time with children, languages (chinese, english, french). I want to combine these factors and do something that will really stand out to college, but I’m not sure what…do you have any suggestions? THank you for the nice comment :]</p>

<p>More rural as in, if you go into the country, you better not be wearing any Carolina blue, cause it’s all NC State. You don’t find Carolina fans in the country, which leaves State, and a lot of them are very proud of it. And I’m surrounded by it/live in the country so…based on its top of the line ag/bio departments, a lot of my friends that are indeed growing up to be farmers or engineers are going to State. And State’s not a bad school-I never said it was, and the valedictorian of my class won the Parks scholarship and a big chunk of my school will be going there. But in terms of national prestige, whether it’s deserved or not, it doesn’t match up to Carolina. And I would definitely agree with you on the stuck up Carolina image. The worst, though, are the ones that never attended.
I would say, however, just looking at what the OP was interested/involved in, they’d have more opportunities at Carolina.</p>

<p>PS - if you love languages, you should check out middlebury. I’ve been pretty happy with languages at Chapel Hill (I’m a Chinese major) - our ling department isn’t bad, either, but from studying abroad it’s given me some perspective on what opportunities are available to what schools. Middlebury cannot be beaten.</p>



<p>This was a recent post on Student Doctor Network, in response to someone trying to decide between UNC and another school for med school.</p>

<p>Duke and Carolina are very well known all around the nation. Duke has a ton of international students too, but Carolina isn’t too far behind in that respect either. I think you should visit them and maybe apply to them, because they are awesome.</p>

<p>And my brother may go to NCSU if he doesn’t get into UNC from the waitlist. It is not a bad university, so don’t listen to all the pretentious people about that either.</p>

<p>Good luck, man! PM me if you have any questions about Duke!</p>