My son is a freshman at OU this year and has (half-heartedly) encouraged me to come to OU mom’s weekend which is now only a few weeks away. I am glad to come of course and I have a hotel reservation (I noticed that hotels were packed - I couldn’t get Friday and Saturday night, only Saturday). But I heard elsewhere that 1) it’s more a mom/daughter thing and 2) many of the events, activities are sorority related. Additionally, his father went to OU’s “Dad’s weekend” and found that there really wasn’t much of anything going on outside going to the football game (Dad’s day is in the fall). Anyone have any insight on mom’s weekend for a mom/son with no Greek affiliation?
Last year I attended with my non-Greek daughter who is now a sophomore. She wasn’t interested in most of the scheduled activities so we just did our own thing and had a great time. We enjoyed the natural history museum and the art museum (both of which offer free admission on Mom’s weekend), did some shopping, and tried some new restaurants. She needed time to study, so we weren’t together 24/7. I didn’t feel we missed out by not taking part in the sponsored events; it was enough just to spend some low-key time together, just the two of us. Hope you enjoy the weekend!
Thanks Tikimom - that’s great to hear. The museums sound like a great way to spend time on campus. I’m sure we’ll have a great weekend!