Our son was just accepted to SLU School of Medicine

<p>Congrats again!!!</p>

<p>Wow, great to have those kind of decisions!!!</p>

<p>M2CK, Congrats to the whole family! ROLL TIDE…</p>

<p>Way to go! Please keep us posted…</p>

<p>Great choices, Congratulations!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congratulations! I hope the acceptances keep rolling in!</p>

<p>The quick turn-around for USA was nice. Son interviewed on Wednesday. They mailed out the acceptance on Friday, got it on Monday. </p>

<p>Most don’t use snail mail for acceptances, but USA does.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son! </p>

<p>Is he waiting on any more schools? How long before he has to choose?</p>

<p>So happy for him and you!
Great affirmation of his hard work and nice to have choices.
Way to go!</p>


<p>Is he waiting on any more schools? How long before he has to choose*</p>

<p>Yes, he is waiting on more schools. We’re hoping for at least one more acceptance and one more interview. However, getting even one MD med school acceptance is a huge deal, so we’re really happy. The entire process is brutal.</p>

<p>Any school called USA must be special.</p>

<p>lol…It is funny to have those initials. The “aka” name is “South”.</p>

<p>How fantastic for your family!</p>

<p>It is always good to have choices! Congratulations to him and your family!</p>

<p>Ok…Son FINALLY decided to tell me that on Monday he was accepted to UAB School of Medicine. lol …</p>

<p>yay…so 3 acceptances! </p>


<p>That third one sounds like the charm - in-state tuition and an excellent school. Does he have a top choice?</p>


<p>Congrats to you and your family!!</p>

<p>A Triple!</p>


<p>Trifecta! Congrats!</p>