Our son was just accepted to SLU School of Medicine

<p>A hat trick!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son. He has wonderful choices. </p>

<p>Does he have a particular area of medicine he’s most interested in?</p>

<p>Congrats!!! He has choices!</p>

<p>Fantastic news!! Congratulations to your son!! </p>

<p>When does he have to decide which school to attend?</p>

<p>Congrats! Again! Again! and Again!</p>

<p>A high school classmate and friend is an alum of SLU-Med and is now a member of the faculty there in Internal Medicine. He thinks very highly of the school and its program. Best of luck!</p>

<p>thanks! Glad he has choices!</p>

<p>Congrats!! Look forward to hearing his decision.</p>

<p>Any advice, words of wisdom for a freshman pre-med other than make excellent grades and get great MCAT score?</p>

<p>Balance each semester so that you’re not taking too many hard classes at one time. </p>

<p>find doctors to shadow. Do medically related volunteer work. </p>

<p>Know Spanish</p>

<p>Request your LORs early…like Feb of your cycle year (and give a due date).</p>

<p>Apply early…june/july latest.</p>

<p>Work on your Personal Statement over the winter holiday before your app cycle.</p>

<p>Get an OChem study book the summer before you take Ochem…and read it before classes start. Recently heard about this one: Organic Chemistry: as a Second Language …Amazon has it.</p>

<p>Apply broadly, but don’t include OOS public SOM that highly favor instate students (and most OOS publics highly favor instate students). </p>

<p>Apply to Midwest privates. </p>

<p>Apply to some NE schools, but understand that those SOMs get a gazillion apps, and each SOM only interviews about 500 applicants.</p>

<p>Congratulations, mom2ck!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, m2ck. His hard work has paid divends for him so far, and I hope it continues to do!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son and thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Looks like he has some great choices! Hope he finds his fit and uses this opportunity to do good for others.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son m2CK. UAB is a great school.</p>

<p>Is he leaning towards a particular school?</p>

<p>Right now he’s up in the air with choices. There are things that he likes about each school. Now we’re waiting to see if any of the schools offer him some merit to help “nudge” him one way. In a short time, each of his med schools will be informed of his other acceptances. At that point, the SOMs may decide to sweeten the deal by making merit offers. </p>

<p>Personally, I would love to have him at UAB since it’s only an hour away from home…but that’s just the selfish mom talking…lol.</p>

<p>Congrats, M2CK,
Inspirational to parents with pre-med kids or UA kids…you will have to post his experiences at med school and yours, too, of course. A Big ROLL TIDE to Y’ALL!</p>

<p>You can change your name to mom2medschoolkid, but don’t ever leave us.</p>

<p>*Apply broadly, but don’t include OOS public SOMs that highly favor instate students (and most OOS publics highly favor instate students). *</p>

<p>I need to add a caveat…OOS Bama kids can and should apply to the Alabama SOMs. They are given a preference because they have a tie to the state.</p>

<p>*You can change your name to mom2medschoolkid, but don’t ever leave us.

<p>thanks! very sweet!</p>

<p>m2ck: congrats to your son! If he decides to go to St. Louis Univ. SOM, PM me if he’s interested in renting a condo that’s very close to campus – I have a friend who has a quite nice 1 bedroom she’s looking to rent.</p>

<p>Would the AL SOM “preference” rule hold up for other colleges in AL besides Bama? D would love to go to UAB, but we were afraid since she’s OOS, it would be impossible (and incredibly expensive) …</p>

<p>M2CK - This is fantastic! Please pass on congrats to your son!</p>