Our visit - Honors College, Engineering, Catholic Center

Just thought I’d give a little report on our visit. We went Thursday, Friday before Easter. I LOVED it!


LUNCH at Rama Jama, right next to the stadium. FUN, cheap and I highly recommend it. It’s a place that has been there for YEARS, and is a burger and breakfast joint with football memorabilia COVERING the place. The owner came and chatted with us (we saw photos of him on the walls from probably 30 years ago). He said that on game days there is a line outside at 6am (no matter what time the game starts) and it’s packed until 2 hours after the game starts. It was a great place to start the day, since I imagine our son will spend some time there if he chooses Alabama. Game day tradition, I’m sure.

GENERAL TOUR of the campus. I didn’t really love this, and found it a bit pointless but my husband thought it was good. A bus took us around while a student ambassador announced various facts about the campus (I’m not so interested in when various buildings were built, etc.), and I had a hard time understanding much of what he said. The only stops we made were at an Honors College dorm, and we just saw the room - no other amenities (but noted the basketball court from the bus), and the Rec center. We ended at the main quad and got out and walked around there. I skipped the rest of the tour, but I think my husband said they walked back to the stadium (where the tour starts) and discussed details about applying, etc. My husband would disagree, but my thought is if you are short on time I’d skip this. I think it took 90 minutes or so (maybe even two hours), and I didn’t learn a lot that was useful. It was nice to see all the campus, but you can drive your car through the same areas, and I imagine if you went to the dorm and asked for a tour you could get that, and maybe see some amenities as well. There is also the virtual tour you can do online to get much of the info.

ENGINEERING TOUR - we had two student ambassadors give us and one other family a tour. They were SO impressive, and both on full scholarship. They showed us the AstroRobotics design team area, and I believe they’ve one the NASA competition the past two years. There were a lot of very impressive things we saw that I can’t explain because I could barely understand - haha! They both seemed to love the university and the engineering department.

PARK AT MANDERSON LANDING (along river, near rowing house) - this is right across from the Honors Dorms and is really pretty. There were a group of students doing a yoga class in the grass. Also a paved walk along the river that I believe starts here and goes all the way downtown.

DINNER - my son wanted Chinese so I ran into a couple of Chinese students and they recommended Mr. Chen’s Restaurant on 14th Street, in sort of an out of the way area, but I think it was near the baseball stadium (or at least we passed that) - which was beautiful - like a MLB stadium almost.

DOWNTOWN - this is the area west of the campus along University Blvd, probably from Queen City Ave. and over to HWY 43/Wallace Blvd. We went to Steel City Pops at 2128 University Blvd. YUM and it was really cool! These funky popsicles dipped and drizzled and stuff. Loved it! From that block and west seemed to be the main downtown area. Lots of nice-looking restaurants. Seemed to be an older crowd - at least when we were there it wasn’t the loud, college bar scene. 4th Street is a block north and there seemed to be more of a bar and music scene over there.

CAMPUS AT NIGHT - gorgeous. We walked around the front of the stadium which you have to see lit up at night. And from there over to the Quad, where some kids were playing frisbee and hanging out. It was all so pretty.

HOTEL - We stayed at Days Inn Suites, 1201 Skyland Blvd E. It was about 15-20 minutes from the center of campus, which sounds kind of far but it didn’t really seem like it since it helped us to see the city and get our bearings going back and forth. I think we paid about $95, and we’d stay there again. The owner Nate checked on us each morning during breakfast to ask how things were going and if we enjoyed the University. He had Alabama football photos in the lobby, with at least one signed by Nick Saban. His sons went to school there, and he gave our son some WONDERFUL fatherly advice that was seriously priceless to have it coming from someone other than us. The hotel was nothing fancy, pretty basic, but the price was right, the owner seems like a great guy, and even though not super-close, it was a pretty easy drive to campus.

Friday is on next post…


ENGINEERING CO-OP Department Head Naomi Powell - I LOVE this woman! She was wonderful, sweet and funny. And I feel like she probably really advocates for the kids. She spent about 45 minutes with us. It sounds like a great program, and I think she said about 20% of the students co-op (don’t quote me on that!), and there are lots of companies all over the country. She said that she tells the co-op kids that they are getting 3 more moms and 1 dad in that office, and that they can come there any time with any problem even if it isn’t co-op or engineering related and they’ll help them figure out where to go for assistance. A couple of kids stopped by to see her while we were there.

HONORS COLLEGE Dean Sharpe - he spent about 45 minutes with us, getting to know our son and telling us all about the college and more. I was impressed by how much he knew about various programs and organizations outside of the Honors College. He talked about how important service was and they emphasize that a lot, which I hadn’t realized. Very cool, and he explained some of the programs and opportunities, including the CBHP. He also gave our son some great advice about college in general, that will be useful to him wherever he goes. Definitely a great mentor kind of person. Very impressed with him. I believe the Honors College has weekly or semi-weekly coffees and so the kids get to know the staff and professors this way as well. I think he said that all Honors classes are taught by professors, and some are top in their field. He also told us that a University can nominate 4 students for the Goldwater Scholarship, and last year Alabama was the only school where all 4 students won the scholarship. Harvard came in second with 3 of their students qualifying. Woohoo!

SABAN CATHOLIC CENTER - a very sweet, fun, impressive Honors College student ambassador took us over there. What a gorgeous place! The student center was just completed last fall, and it’s a great place to hang out. The main room has a fireplace, lots of windows and a big seating area with sofas. I think there was a game table somewhere. There is also big study room surrounded by windows.There were about 6 very friendly students there when we arrived, and they came over to greet us. One of them is a FOCUS missionary - which I believe is someone who has recently graduated from college and is on a 2-year mission at a university to keep students involved at church. A couple of students were playing cards - one of them was teaching the other to play bridge because they are involved in a service project where they play at nursing homes every other week. Then they get together with just students weekly as well. Sounds fun! The church itself is also new and just beautiful. The Catholic Center as well as several other churches are right on the edge of campus, I think sort of near the stadium. So a 10 minute (at most) walk from the Quad. They call this area The God Quad - haha!

OFFICE OF STUDY ABROAD - met with the director, but this was probably not necessary since he was just showing us on an overhead projector how to navigate the website, and he also gave my son some handouts. I would probably skip this and just look at their webpage at home. We did enjoy walking through the building and talking to students and seeing what was posted on the walls.

UNIVERSITY FELLOWS EXPERIENCE - met with David Bolus, Assistant Director. He was a great speaker, and gave us a good overview of the program. Which he participated in as a student - the first group to do so, and I think he either began or graduated 10 years ago. Sounds like a wonderful program, full of super-impressive students!

DINNER - we went to the area along University Blvd. just immediately west of campus, where it seems like most of the college bars and restaurants are located. We just grabbed a sandwich at a counter place (forget the name, nothing great). I liked how the students must just walk down that street from campus to go out.

So what did I think? SIGN ME UP! My husband and I are ready to go back to college at Alabama! I felt like they would really take care of our son, that there would be so many opportunities for him, and that he’d meet lots of really good kids here. Of course they only pick very impressive students to be ambassadors, but even the random students I approached on campus (my son just loved that, haha), seemed like great kids and had good things to say about the campus. I asked one guy what the worst thing about the university was, and he said “how hard my mechanical engineering class is”! Ok, I can take that. The campus is just GORGEOUS! Everything is all clean and new-looking, even though some of the buildings are old. Everything matches - which I normally wouldn’t like (not a fan of matching suburban housing), but I loved it. Even the Greek houses all sort of go together in the same building style (and they look super-fancy!!). I think most of the Greek houses are right along the main drag (University Blvd.). There are wide-open spaces, such as the main Quad and the Engineering complex, but then several sort of hidden courtyards with arched doorways, etc. A nice mix, and very pretty. My son liked it a lot, too, but he’s not the sort to get overly excited about anything. He did come away saying he liked it a lot more than he thought he would, bought an Alabama shirt and has worn it a LOT since we got back! He’s big into sports, so of course is excited about football but has said he’d love to go to a school with a great basketball team. Well, my husband read today that Alabama is 4th in the country for basketball draft picks, and Duke is right behind at #5. The one downside? UGH, it was way too hot for me in early April. I’m not prepared to sweat yet! Can’t imagine what the first month of school is like. My son didn’t seem to be bothered.

Yikes, sorry this is kind of long! I hope it is helpful to some people.

Sounds like you had a very good visit! Roll Tide!

Yay! I love that you included a Catholic Center review because that is something I’ve wondered about and have never heard mentioned.

Our student guide for the Catholic Center also said that every Tuesday night they have a free student meal and that 50-60 students go.

I also wanted to add that I didn’t notice any “southern” feel at all, but maybe I’m dense or missed something?! Of course some people had an accent and called me “ma’am”, which felt super-strange and made me a bit uncomfortable (I know it’s meant to be polite, but I’m just not at all used to that). Of course everyone was super-friendly, but we are from the midwest and I didn’t notice that it was much different in that respect. I have also heard that girls get very dressed up. Nope, not when we were there! In fact, the “uniform” seems to be a LARGE T-shirt (probably Alabama or sorority logo most often) over athletic shorts, usually so that the shirt comes down to the hem of the shorts! Very casual, and we even saw this out at night. Nobody looked dressed up to us at all. My son likes to dress preppy, and I thought we’d see some of that but we sure didn’t. I’m sure there are days students are dressed up, but on your regular school day it is very casual and athletic wear.

When I was on my visit, they invited me to that and I went and it’s legit! Had a very nice, inclusive, home-y feel, and some of the boys were playing frisbee with my 8 year old sister on the lawn.

Lol…you’ll get used to the “ma’am”. …and you’ll start “yes sirring” and “no ma’aming” soon enough.

The south can be funny. I’ve heard southerners say to their dogs, “No sir, you can’t do that!” Or, “no, ma’am, come here right now.”

you will not hear many southern accents at Bama. Many of the instate kids are transplants or from the larger AL cities where accents are rare (TV influence). The OOS kids will bring their own regional speech patterns.

A number of the boys dress preppy. It’s not a req’t and many others wear jeans, whatever…but many boys wear khaki pants/shorts, socklessslip-ons, and brand polos or button-downs. Flip-flops are common in warm months. There is a thread here on CC “What not to wear at Bama”…check it out. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/931011-what-not-to-wear-at-bama-p1.html

That said, the granola kids are happy with their styles, pink/green hair, piercings, gauges, whatever. Lol. Bama has it all!

The Saban Catholic Student Center is new, replacing a smaller student center. It is built on the site of the old church. The old church was going to be remodeled into a bigger student center, but in the end the decision was to demolish and rebuild to better specs.

<<our student=“” ministry,=“” bama=“” catholic,=“” through=“” programs=“” such=“” as=“” tuesday=“” night=“” mass=“” and=“” meal,=“” the=“” search=“” retreat,=“” focus,=“” helps=“” students=“” feel=“” at=“” home=“” away=“” from=“” home.=“” crimson=“” our=“” alumni=“” relations=“” program,=“” we=“” keep=“” those=“” who=“” enjoined=“” st.=“” francis=“” in=“” past=“” informed=“” about=“” what=“” is=“” going=“” on=“” these=“” days.=“” come,=“” join=“” us=“” journey.=“”>>>
Saban Catholic Student Center webpage: https://stfrancisuofa.com/saban-catholic-student-center/

New St. Francis of Assisi Church was built a couple years ago after UA generously arranged for the parish to get add’l property for parish use… Funding for new bigger church was spearheaded by the Sabans. Their video may still be on the St. Francis website. It’s cute to watch. Don’t know it it’s still there. https://stfrancisuofa.com/home/

FYI: the Sabans attend the 8:45 am Mass. :slight_smile: Dr. Sharpe (dean of the honors college) also attends that Mass.

While various things have the Saban name on them. Often when something is named, “Nick Saban,” it is really named after the coach’s father (also Nick), who devoted his life to coaching and carting community kids around to sports and other activities. He even bought a bus to do so in rural WV. Coach NS honors his dad by naming things after him. I imagine that the Saban Catholic Student Center is named for the entire S family…Nick Sr, Coach’s mom, Coach S and Miss Terry, and the Saban children.

As a Catholic who moved to Alabama several years ago, I was concerned about possible anti-Catholic sentiment in the South. We’ve found none. Tuscaloosa has 3 Catholic Churches. St Francis is the campus parish, but it is a full parish with non-student parishioners as well. It’s not just a “school church” even though is IS on UA property. Holy Spirit is the huge parish and has elem and high school. St. John the Baptist, the original Catholic Church in Ttown is a downtown historic building, and has Spanish Masses for the large Hispanic community.

@mom2collegekids, my husband said “yes sir” the day after we got back! (I told him to cork it - haha!) I suppose you get used to it, but it’s hard for me to get past the feeling that it is a subservient response which just feels weird. Our student ambassador was from Alabama, but she didn’t have an accent - although did say “ma’am” and “sir”, which was pretty cute. I don’t think I’d have known I wasn’t in the midwest except for a few people with accents and “ma’am” and “sir”.

Well, I don’t know where the preppy boys were a couple of weeks ago, but we didn’t see a single one! Honestly I don’t even know if we saw any polos. Maybe some kids in more of the outdoorsy-type shirts that button up the front, but not really preppy. Not that any of this matters to me at all - just pointing it out since I’ve seen so much discussion about Alabama maybe being more preppy or dressed up than other schools. I didn’t see it at all, and was glad because it will keep my son from wanting to keep up with the Joneses! I’d rather he bought t-shirts than Vineyard Vines, and aspire to master the poor college kid look! I didn’t see any crazy looks, either, just your regular-looking kids in pretty regular-looking clothes. I think at any college campus that pretty much anything goes and no one really cares. So wear what you want. That’s the time in life you can get away with it and no one cares!

but it's hard for me to get past the feeling that it is a subservient response which just feels weird.


Look at it this way…

In some languages, one uses the “formal” to address elders, authority figures, or simply adults that you don’t know.

When we travel to Spanish speaking countries, my H (fluent in Spanish) is always careful to use the formal when speaking to adults. To do otherwise, can be very insulting. My H isn’t being subservient, he’s respecting the culture.

My dad used to crack me up whenever we’d be somewhere like Home Depot or Sears Craftman tool area, and he needed to ask a question to whatever guy was working in the dept. He’s always address them as, “chief”…as in “Excuse me Chief, where is…”. When he visited the south, he changed that to, “Sir.” (And ma’am, when appropriate).

Living in the south means rarely having to open a door when there are men around…I kind of like that. And women certainly hold the door open for following people, and certainly open/hold doors for older folks and people with strollers/carts (aka buggies, in the south)

When in Rome, …

yes, that makes sense. That is so funny that your dad called the tool guys “Chief”!

@collegework, thank you for the wonderful review/recap of your visit. It’s been three years since we made a similar (but shorter) visit, and it was great to relive that experience with you.

Re the dress thing, I think the weather may have been a factor and also it being the end of the semester, when kids are busy AND tired. If you were to attend a football game, however, you would find many students dressed up in a way that you’ve never seen if you’re from the Midwest (or anywhere else!). My son was a tee shirt and jeans kind of guy and he’s started wearing button-down shirts a lot and dressy shorts, along with Sperries (what we used to call “Topsiders”). He also enjoys dressing up and occasionally even wears a tie, so hang onto those Vineyard Vines coupons. Most college kids will need to dress up for all kinds of stuff (interviews, award nights, etc.), so a nice tie can come in handy. (I actually got my son a really cute elephant one from VV, and he loves it. He even loved the bow-tie I got him for his birthday last year.)

I’ll never forget the first time my son said “Yes, m’am” to me non-ironically when he called home. Here I thought he was being a smart-ass, and he was just being polite. While it does seem kind of formal at first, I actually really love it. My son pretty much has just replaced “Yes, please” with “Yes, sir/ma’am.” Manners never go out of style, IMHO. :slight_smile:

Coming from PA (and having many Penn State alumni/students in my neighborhood), I still laugh out loud when I read this: http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/09/why_do_alabama_fans_put_on_for.html

Mind you, plenty of folks will be wearing jerseys and tee shirts at Bama football games, but it wasn’t that long ago (maybe 45 years?), when EVERYBODY dressed up for any sporting event.

“Saturday Night Tide: Tailgating with the University of Alabama”: http://www.universitysupplystore.com/saturday_night_tide_infographic.asp

Haha, thanks that is great. And I would DEFINITELY be ok with my son calling me “ma’am”, although I’d think I’d fall out of my chair. He already has plenty of bow ties (but maybe he needs a houndstooth one!), topsiders (I still call them that) and button-downs. So he’ll be ok.

@collegework - your thread is truly outstanding. It not only took me down memory lane about our own first experiences on our first visit…it provides a very thorough summary of many different things that future families can draw upon. My son does tours for prospective aero students, and he says it one of the most pleasurable things to be involved in on campus. While the university often sells itself, talking with students is the best way to find out if it’s right for you. Thank you for taking such time and effort to document your experience for others! Roll Tide!

@aeromom - thank you for the nice post. I think maybe the best part of our visit (although hard to say for sure, and then of course there is Steel City Pops) was meeting with the engineering students. I need to send a note to the engineering dept. because they impressed the heck out of me, and I just wished I had friends like that in college. I went to a state school and was a good student, but I don’t remember anyone being particularly excited about learning or thinking about the future, serious goals, etc. These kids were cute and fun - not some nerdy types! AND they just had it together. One of them had the next several years planned out, with the ultimate goal of a job at Intel, which I’ve no doubt he’ll get. The girl was in training, and she just had answers to my questions that really made me think Alabama would be a good choice. And I love the idea of my son being around students like there. Where were they when I was in college?! I really think kids are different that way today - am I wrong? One girl asked my husband and I what kind of service projects we were involved in during college. WHAT? I don’t even think we had stuff like that back then, did we? You’d really have to search it out, anyway. Not sure they had Honors Colleges back then, or at least I hadn’t heard of them.

Now I sit and nervously await word on how the Presidential/NMF Scholarship might change next year!!

Thank you for posting all the details of your visit! Very helpful!

If your son loves Chinese food, he would likely enjoy Svens: https://www.google.com/search?q=lins+tuscaloosa&oq=lins+tuscaloosa&aqs=chrome…69i57j0l5.5575j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=chinese+tuscaloosa+university+of+alabama&rflfq=1&rlha=0&rllag=33212297,-87537819,2365&tbm=lcl&rldimm=1053140186492455622&tbs=lrf:!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e3!3sEAE,lf:1,lf_ui:9 In a block of restaurants very close to stadium off of Univ Blvd. Great authentic Chinese dishes!

@Atlanta68 - thanks, that sure would have been more convenient!

Glad I found this thread …

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