(Out-of state-PA)Chance of getting in Virginia Tech as a biology major?

<p>I heard VT just looks at the numbers but my unweighted gpa is a 3.5, weighted is a 4.22. I got a 480 critical reading 600 math and 530 writing. I have 4 letter of recommendations (one is from school counselor). I take honors classes, but I take a program called Medical Careers during half the day( counts as an honors class and is 4 credits). I have block scheduling at my school so for the last two periods of the day I go to a hospital to learn. There are only 5 people from my school that go because you have to apply to get into the program. I dont know if the program i am in will increase my chances of getting into VT as a biology major. Also im out of state (PA)</p>

<p>I dont know if this matters but im asian too.</p>