Out-of-state tuition for AL resident?

@MSEinAL You could have tried calling today, the admissions office is open till noon on Saturday.

robotbldmom!! No way! You mean I could have possibly resolved this today?!
LucieTheLakie, he’s never registered to vote anywhere yet. I’m sure he will for November.

@MSEinAL Yes, when I read your posts this afternoon, I recalled someone else needing to get in touch with admissions and the hours were stuck in my head. I called the admissions office to check if it was open, so I could post a reply to you and the recording gave the hours including Saturday.

It sounds like once you show evidence that he was only OOS for school purposes, and so forth, he’ll get his instate status back.

Update, @MSEinAL?

I talked with our transfer advisor today and she told me it’s standard procedure if you have any transcripts (highschool or college) from out-of-state this will happen. She said it will just take a few days to get it resolved. I sent the registrar tons of documents today. I’m feeling much better about it. The advisor said it happened to her sister, too, and it was fixed.

Great update!

Just wanted to follow-up on this residency issue in case you have others ask you about it.
Apparently as part of the standard admission process, any student with either an address or transcripts (high school or college) that is out of state will assign the student residency as out of state by default. The registrar will fix it once provided with student and parent driver’s license, utility bill, and AL 40 tax returns showing the student is a dependent of Alabama parents. It took a week to correct it, but we’re all good now.

Glad to hear, @MSEinAL, and thanks for the update.

Roll Tide and welcome to the family!