Out of State Tuition

Hello! I was recently accepted to UCLA for the class of 2019 and as an out of state student my tuition is about $40,000 per year. I would love to go to UCLA but this price is about twice the price I would have to pay for one of my local universities. Would it be worth it to take out large loans to pay for this tuition or should I just stay in state? Any insight from other out of state students would be appreciated! :slight_smile:


I’m in the same boat as you…it’s just been a constant debate for the past week haha

I am also in the same situation. Deciding between UCLA’s engineering school and UW, which is in-state for me.

If u have to borrow heavily, then it’s not worth it.

Students can’t take out large loans. You can only take out the federal student loans ($5500 as a freshman, $6500 as a sophomore, $7500 as a junior, and $7500 as a senior). Any additional loans would require a cosigner. Are your parents willing to take out the loans you need to pay for this school? It’s important to find out how much they can pay per year so you know what your realistic options are.

@ohwiseone: You also need to include room/board into your cost estimates so add another $12-15K to your price tag.

Not worth it. You can get the same large classes, lack of personal attention or advising, etc. for much less at your in-state school. If you are willing to pay UCLA OOS costs, and the fact you were accepted shows you are a strong student, then you should have applied to selective privates that charge a similar amount and offer a much more personal instructional environment.