Outside Merit Scholarships

<p>Does anyone know, if you've been awarded a merit scholarship (not need-based) from a college (partial tuition), and you then receive an outside merit scholarship, will most colleges deduct the amount of your outside scholarhsip from your merit scholarship?</p>

<p>Generally, they won't. That concept applies to need-based aid.</p>

<p>Depends on the college. For example, the University of Tulsa deducts all outside scholarships from their merit aid.</p>

<p>a lot of colleges do. I know duke university does</p>

<p>Let's say Duke awards you a half-tuition merit scholarship, and you are a P.D.Q. Duke Scholar. You still have to pay the other half, living expenses, books, transportation, fees. Then your local Moose Lodge gives you a $500 award as one of the outstanding high school grads in the city that year. Are you telling me that Duke now credits you for half tuition minus $500?</p>

Let's say Duke awards you a half-tuition merit scholarship, and you are a P.D.Q. Duke Scholar. You still have to pay the other half, living expenses, books, transportation, fees. Then your local Moose Lodge gives you a $500 award as one of the outstanding high school grads in the city that year. Are you telling me that Duke now credits you for half tuition minus $500?


You pretty much described my situation, so the answer is definitely no. The $500 would go towards any loans or work-study.</p>