Outside Scholarships to Boarding School!

<p>I am applying to boarding school this year and will need financial aid. I was just wondering if there were any outside scholarships available for applicants to boarding school.</p>

<p>I know there are several outside scholarship programs for college, but I am not aware of any for boarding school.</p>

<p>Could anyone give me some input on this? If you are aware of any outside scholarship programs for boarding school, let me know! Thanks!</p>

<p>Well it matters a lot where you live because sometimes there a specific ones depending on state</p>

<p>There is a scholarship known as the Caroline D Bradley Scholarship which is awarded to 15 students nationwide and it covers 4 years of high school tuition and books. However, you must be in 7th grade to apply. It is awarded by the Institute for Educational Advancement - you can check out the scholarship on their website</p>

<p>That’s the first one that I heard of. [Institute</a> for Educational Advancement - Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.educationaladvancement.org/pages/programspages/cdbscholarship.html]Institute”>http://www.educationaladvancement.org/pages/programspages/cdbscholarship.html)</p>

<p>Most financial aid is awarded by the individual schools. It is usually need-based aid; there is much less merit aid available. Some of the aid is pretty specific - I read on this forum about a scholarship for Pittsburgh area students to attend Andover (I think).</p>

<p>I started a thread at the beginning of the month on scholarships. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/631220-scholarship-opportunities.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/631220-scholarship-opportunities.html&lt;/a&gt; I don’t know if the lack of input from other posters means that there are few scholarships, or, that those who do know of other scholarships don’t want to increase the competition.</p>

<p>For anyone interested in the Caroline D Bradley Scholarship - look at their website now - If you are currently in 7th grade you can apply now - I think the deadline is in the beginning of May - and the scholarship can be used for any school of your choice</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. However, I am a current 9th grader from the northeast and the Caroline Bradley scholarship wont work.</p>

<p>If anyone has heard of any other boarding school scholarships, I would be happy to hear!
Meritwise, all of the schools I am applying to offer no merit aid, except at SPS - where the scholarships are in areas I am not am not qualified for. I.E. I am not from Montana nor do I take Latin.</p>

<p>Are you a minority?</p>

<p>Will your famiy qualify for need-based aid? You are right that there isn’t that much money out there for boarding school that isn’t from particular schools.</p>