<p>I know that Cornell asks for a 500 word limit for its supplemental essay, but is it okay to go over 500 (like 550 or so)?</p>
<p>I don't think they count the number of words in your paper, it shouldn't be noticeable over the word limit. That being said, it's probably better to be concise rather than verbose when you're writing your essay.</p>
<p>My essay was 837 words I remember, and I got in. But it's just like fudgemaster said, make sure every single word is absolutely necessary.</p>
<p>It specifically says “Maximum 500 words”. I wouldn’t recommend doing it.</p>
<p>if you need help cutting it down, give your essay to a teacher, a friend, a counselor, someone you trust. having another eye look at it will help because they can catch the unnecessary words that you didnt notice or realize</p>