<p>Does anybody know the statistics re how many students applied to the Ivies last year- NOT the total number of all applicants but the actual number BARRING OVERLAPS? In other words, what percentage of applicants to Ivies are accepted to one of them?</p>
~150,000 total # of applications received.
~25,000 total # of acceptances delivered.
~15,000 total # of individuals offered admission to at least one Ivy League School.</p>
<p>In other words, any single Ivy applicant's overall chance of acceptance to at least one Ivy League School is in the range of 10%.</p>
<p>posterX: if I may. I wouldn't say: "In other words, any single Ivy applicant's overall chance of acceptance to at least one Ivy League School is in the range of 10%."</p>
<p>Statistically, it's one in ten for the aggregate. But any single individual -- could have a 90% chance of admissions while another might have 0%. Causation argument here.</p>
<p>Also, how can one know no of apps without overlaps? Impossible to know. Each Ivy will tell us how many apps received but we will never know to which other Ivies they also applied.</p>
<p>Also, 25000 acceptances is ridiculous. 8 Ivies, so each one on average offered admission to over 3000. Doesn't ring true.</p>
<p>It's actually 23,000 acceptances and Cornell offered admission to over 6,000 applicants. Close to 170,000 applications were received last year among the Ivies. The overlap has been calculated by people very familiar with admissions.</p>