Overrated, Underrated, Just Right

UCLA is great, but like USC, it is over-hyped because of its sports.</p>

<p>^ I concur. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/770864-deterioration-ucla.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/770864-deterioration-ucla.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>overated: SC,I
just right:SB,SD,CAL,M,LA
Underated: Davis, Rside</p>

<p>@ hi<em>im</em>leila: how do you figure that ucsb is overrated?!? it’s one of the best research universities in the nation and gets almost no hype whatsoever!</p>

<p>^yeah i was wondering that as well. I say i go to UCSB and unless the person im talking to has some sort of prior connection to the school, or has done their university research, they have no idea what it is. in addition, its a great freakin school… i say its the most underrated school of the list</p>

<p>Not sure where all this “UCLA is overrated” crap is coming from. As someone who had the option of all the top UC schools and chose UCLA, I couldn’t disagree more. Anyways, both Berkeley and UCLA are clearly underrated by US News. Most other rankings seem to have it right.</p>

<p>UCSB is underrated in the public’s eye for being a “party school”, when it’s really a great school.</p>

<p>I personally don’t see how a school can be overrated.</p>

<p>What do you guys think… In general, do you think it’s better to be going to an underrated or overrated school?</p>

<p>^It’s better to go to a school that you actually want to be going to. Who cares what all the other losers say.</p>

<p>^ thats what it all comes down to. go to harvard, but if you are unhappy on campus than you arent going to succeed or learn anything</p>

<p>For those of you saying UCSC is overrated, you must think it’s a truly horrible school, because I’d say most people don’t hold it in very high regard, academically at least.</p>

<p>^There’s also the chance that they know nothing about it at all and are just putting down names for the sake of putting down names. It happens.</p>

<p>There is also the chance that they are just copying everything from the u.s news school rankings like media brainwashed children they are.
Please stop, think and make decisions/do research yourselves instead of listening and accepting the decisions of other less informed people</p>

<p>i dont understand how it CAN be overrated. of all the UC’s, it is the least ive heard about, it doesnt get any hype at all… if anything, it’s waaaaaay underrated.</p>

<p>Overrated: UCI, UC Berkeley
Just Right: UCLA, UC Davis, UCSD
Underrated: UCSC, UCR, UCM, UCSB</p>