I applied to some schools before my mid-year transcript was calculated and instead of a
3.82 it was actually a 3.78… ( 4 hundreths of a difference)
I have emailed the schools I applied to with this flawed common ap but they have not replied
(syracuse + emerson)
Should i call? People say its insignificant, but i’m afraid the .82 instead of a .78 (which looks inflated) will make admisisons officer think i’m being dishonest…I 'm not as worried about them thinking i did a bit poorer in my midyear
You are fine. Admissions know these little changes happen. Sometimes it happens with class rank too.
Yes it does matter. Call them and explain.
Personally i don’t think it does. We were confused about whether on the common ap to use weighted or unweighted. At the time my daughter’s were 3.98 and 4.16 (W). She just put 4.0. Yes, we worried a little later and second guessed we should have put 3.98, but I think making a big deal about it would have been silly. They get the actual transcript, so in my view the common ap one is really just an estimate.