<p>And then we ask ourselves.. where does all the money go ?</p>
<p>Money? College brochures sent to other countries....? Yes, schools get lists from overseas organizations like the European Council of International Schools. Enclosed letters mention that my son's name came from here or there. Washington U has sent many brochures. I leave the brochures at school so students can view them. However, most of our graduating class consider schools in the UK or home countries like Germany or Finland. Cheaper and closer. Favorite location in the U.S. is Boston for many, Midwestern schools for the cost and "Hollywood" for the rest.</p>
<p>case western, anyone?</p>
<p>i get a postcard from them almost every day, along with every form of propaganda possible.</p>
<p>hmm, I must be stupid. Besides getting a couple of letters from local colleges, I have gotten nothing. Kind of makes me apprehensive over my PSAT score which they still haven't returned to me yet.</p>
<p>I've gotten like 75 pieces of mail from Pacific University. They sent me two copies of thier application, along with lots of shiny happy propaganda pieces promising lots of financial aid and fun.
it's all going to waste since I'm definitley not applying there. I'd like to call them up just to tell them to stop but I'm afraid they'll resist like the AOL operators do when you try to cancel thier service. they seem really tenacious. </p>
<p>and on the PSAT I accidentally spelled my e-mail address wrong, and from what my friends tell me there has never been a more fortuitous error.....</p>
<p>If Gardner-Webb, Notre Dame (the women's college in Maryland), and Peace College don't stop sending me stuff...<em>shakes fists in each school's general direction</em></p>
<p>I had a nice purge of all of the college mail that had been piling up in my room since the ninth grade (although, to be honest, Chapell Hill has been on my back since 7th grade). It felt nice to get rid of everthing that did not say "Elon" somewhere on it. I feel like my mind has been cleared, as well as my bedroom floor.</p>
<p>I don't understand all of the complaints about college mail. If one doesn't want it, one can just toss it. No big deal. </p>
<p>When I was in h.s., I thought it was fun to get so much mail from colleges begging me to apply. I was happy even when some of the colleges were dinky places in the middle of nowhere, places I had no interest at all in applying to.</p>
<p>I got happy when both of my sons' get college mail, and was surprised when neither was as thrilled as I was. My older S let me prescreen all of his mail. Younger S won't let me prescreen, but somehow gets a thrill out of allowing even interesting looking mail to pile up for days.</p>
<p>My dd got loads of stuff from all the good schools
starting spohmore year back in 2000
and loads more her junior year
and some senior year.2002</p>
<p>NYU is sending her stuff even now
and she onlly has 2 semesters left until
<p>Wash. U in Saint Louis spams like crazy.</p>
<p>Here's the story of my experience with them, from this year. I think it's over, I haven't heard from them in a while.</p>
<p>Day 1: "St. Louis? Whatever." <em>Throws out</em>
Day 3: "Didn't I just get mail from these people?" <em>Throws out</em>
Day 10: "These people again? I'm not interested." <em>Throws out</em>
Day 15: "...again?" <em>Opens the letter and sees... "Thanks for your interest!"</em></p>
<p>Hahaha, yeah, interest.</p>
<p>save every scrap of mail. good for starting fires in the winter</p>
<p>donate it to a school. art teachers always need magazines and such for kids to cut up; college brochures will be just dandy. ;)</p>
<p>If you ever sign up at perterson's college search, you will regret. I've received literally over one thousand mails from different low-tier or for-profit collges affiliated with peterson's. I hate the fact that these colleges should have the common sense that I am not going to their colleges. I live in a boarding school and my school mail person now hates me because of all the junk mails. I throw away more than ten mails everyday---and I have NO way to stop it.....
<p>You should have checked "No" on the PSAT's to receive college mail. It saved me alot of time.</p>
<p>i used to think college mail was fun. even if it were from obscure places that i never even knew existed. i was still excited to start the college application process. but after a while it did become a real drag. i agree with VashTheStampede: signing up to receive mail from colleges will really ensnare you.</p>
<p>and bowtoserenity ~ my condolences :(.</p>
<p>haha, i was wise enough not give my correct adress ( i guess some omaha dude is getting my mailz ;) )</p>
<p><em>disables instant notification</em></p>
<p>awesome. spam a friend.</p>
<p>Some college spam is funny. I remember receiving a brochure from Fisk University. The front flap had FISK UNIVERSITY in big, gold letters. I could tell this was one of those schools desperate for applications. I opened it up, though, just to see what else it had. It had, of course, the typical pictures of the carefree students sprawled on spacious green lawns in front of portentous brick buildings. But then I looked again, and the kids were all black. This was a historically and 100% black university! I'm Mexican, by the way.</p>
<p>Hikkifan, Actually Fiske and many of the other historically black universities are actively recruiting hispanics and native americans...and giving them some nice merit packages to get them to attend too!</p>
<p>Hmm, didn't know that. They should make that more obvious on their brochures. In this brochure, the only non-black person pictured was Al Gore. I wonder why they are recruiting hispanics and native americans?</p>