Owl Secret Society

<p>So I just got invited to some Owl secret society thing.. it didn't say anything except that it's Coat and Tie (I hate dressing up!).
I read that they doused a princeton kid with oil and threatened to set him on fire a while ago... I think secret societies are cool and all but I'm sort of scared to show up to this.
What should I do and can anyone tell me more about the Owls? Should I go? What do the Owls do exactly...</p>

<p>They're very secretive and lame. If coke is your thing then by all means go check it out.</p>

<p>yeah i got the invite too... does anyone know more about this group? here's what i've found from google:</p>

<p>phi upsilon got booted for kidnapping a st. anthonys kid, and some of their members formed the owls. then phi u got reinstated (back in the castle) and owls stayed separate.</p>

<p>there was that fiasco with the princeton kid.</p>

<p>they tap a bunch of freshman (100-200?) then narrow it down to 15 through several parties.</p>

<p>and that's about it. more info would be appreciated, especially about what to expect for the first "evening."</p>