Page load + post problems

I don’t know if this is just my computer or if there is a big problem with CC tonight.

It is taking me two to three tries every time I try to load a page, in order for it to load.

Then, if I go to post, same thing happens except I often lose the post (I’ll copy and paste this one to not lose it until I can get it to post successfully).

Anyone else having such difficulties?

[it is getting progressively worse now…it has taken me 10 tries to get this far to the community forum and could take several more until I can actually have this post appear]

OK, I’m back after about 20 clicks…to put that post up. Another weird thing is that I never saw my post go up when I posted it but now it actually is here.

Same here. Screenshot on two different browsers…

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Conkeror on the left, Google Chrome on the right, under Arch Linux.

I, too, am having problems. The pages are loading extremely slowly- last night and today.