My parents submitted a letter of continued interest to Harvard after I was waitlisted, but they accidentally submitted the same letter to a couple of other schools I was waitlisted at, and the letter mentions Harvard specifically. Is there anything I can do to have this letter removed from my waitlist consideration at those schools?
Adcoms probably see this all the time, but they can’t “unsee” it. Let this be a lesson to do your own work in the future. Your parents should not have been submitting a LOCI for you, especially when you likely have extra time on your hands these days due to the pandemic. I don’t know if they will remove it or not from your file, but neither will it make too much of a difference. Especially if you can afford to be full pay.
Change your portal passwords so your parents don’t have access.
It was actually a follow-up on a previous letter I submitted saying that they’d support me matriculating, but I suppose that’s beside the point.
Well, if the letter is from - and signed by your parents (their names, not yours) - I don’t think the colleges would hold a typo against you, the applicant. Obviously everyone will know you were waitlisted at Harvard, but why should they care?