Parents and students concerned with financial aid, please read

<p>Wait, so I have a question which I hope NYU2013 can answer. I received one of the Merit scholarships which gives me full tuition (renewable), and places me in the Presidential scholarship program. I am extremely happy with this, but I’m just curious to know if any “normal” financial aid will be awarded from NYU? When I say this, I am referring to a typical financial aid package of, say, $1000.00 or so. Again, I’m pleased with what I’ve received, but I just want to know if I’m missing something, or if that’s it, lol.</p>

<p>If your FA package doesn’t say anything about it, then I doubt it. They’re likely offering you said scholarship as your entire FA package. </p>

<p>Call the FA office to be sure though.</p>

<p>If your Albert has the scholarship, but nothing else, that’s probably correct. Mine’s showing up with a full tuition Tisch scholarship as well as “normal” financial aid of another few thousand dollars in loans. So I suppose that’s how it should appear for a combo of scholarship/fin aid.</p>

<p>@MSMDAD thank you for the reply. that is very generous! Maybe nyu is changing its ways?</p>

<p>My d was offered a Paulson scholarship with a few loans, but I don’t want her taking loans. She got a full ride to Emory’s Goizueta business school, and GWU, USC, American, Boston (last two were safeties along with Northeaster, Elon and U Miami all of who offered very generous packages). All offered grants and scholarships. I cannot co-sign as I am unemployed and a single mom with a home in foreclosure. No child support. I wonder if anyone thinks that NYU might consider grants instead of loans, or should I leave well enough alone. I definitely cannot afford the difference. Stern is a great school…</p>

<p>Brand new poster, but have been lurking for a while. Greetings … much good information here. We have an email into NYU financial aid, but was hoping someone here might be able to help. </p>

<p>Our D was acceted into Tisch for fall, 2013. A few days ago, we discovered … although we submitted our FAFSA a month early to NYU … we simply forgot to add NYU to the CSS list of colleges until a few days ago, April 2nd. We took care of that and immediately e-mailed NYU financial aid to explain. </p>

<p>When I emailed NYU, I had two questions:</p>

<li><p>How long would it take for them to process the CSS information, and would it be possible to see before the decision deadline of May 1st?</p></li>
<li><p>Is merit aid listed there as well? Other colleges that my D has heard from have included merit-based aid that she has been lucky enough to receive in the admissions package (either in a separate letter or within the body of the offer of admissions letter), but nothing like that was in the mailed NYU admissions letter/packet. </p></li>

<p>Still hoping to hear back from them. I imagine this has to be an extremely busy time of the year for them.</p>

<p>From what I have been able to find on the NYU website, both the FAFSA and the CSS need to be in before the financial aid application package is deemed “complete.” Just wondering if anyone was notified of merit-based aid in their admissions packet, or does everyone find out on Albert?</p>


<p>hello, i got a stern scholarship for 55k and i am very grateful for the aid that nyu has given me. however, after reading through posts i am beginning to worry that they would possibly take it away from me and my parents would definitely not be able to pay that off. will i have to pay around the same amount for all 4 years give and take a few thousand dollars? thanks in advance!</p>

<p>@maple NYU typically says that FA packages are final. You would have to call the school, but it’s unlikely they would change what they’ve offered you. </p>

<p>@RMKA Depending on the type of aid being given, the CSS wouldn’t be required for some but would be for others. For aid being given due to EFC/family income the CSS would be required. For aid being given simply on merit the CSS would likely not be required. You would have to call the FA office to discuss when you would hear back/receive your FA package. </p>

<p>@Classo as long as your scholarship isn’t GPA dependent, it will be renewed (and possibly increased) every year.</p>

<p>Just wondering, if you are taken off the waiting list and are accepted, do you get much financial aid compared to students accepted early/regular decision? Or is it the same, where it depends on each student’s personal financial status?</p>

<p>To go along with Hermaion’s question, how long does it take for them to show you your financial award once accepted off the waitlist?</p>

<p>Has anyone had this happen to them? NYU gave a financial aid package to my daughter which included a pell grant in the full amount. Today she had it reduced to $2800 along with a ton of other students! Is this a bait and switch? I have heard horror stories about their financial aid dept, and I can vouch that housing, medical and accommodations staff just don’t give one iota about the needs of students. My d is probably going to defer at this point, because we missed the tour of the dorms on Orientation day (the business program she is in had a panel discussion, and it ran over; thus, we couldn’t do the tour). She is very allergic to mold, and I called housing and asked if we could just see a few of the dorms so we would know right away which dorms she could not be in. They barely knew what they were talking about, and connected me to a summer residence person who was rude. I asked for a supervisor, and the woman said we couldn’t see the dorms (despite the fact that everyone has left for the summer) and summer school hasn’t yet started. Accommodations told me to call Admissions, and Admissions told me to call the Office of NYC government and ask for an inspection report. I even asked housing if she was put in a room and was allergic, would they switch her, and they said “No, we are fulled to 100% capacity. She would have to commute.” Oh really? We live 2.5 hours away! The stupidity of the people who work in these offices is beyond comprehension. They had her file there, and could see we were out of state. They told me she would have to find an apt (like that would be an easy and cheap thing to do!). </p>

<p>My d got full scholarships elsewhere, and I regret she didn’t take them; however, she needs to be close to home for medical reasons. Now with this knock down of the pell grant, and I am so upset with their tactics. The NYU school board forum on FB is afire with kids who had pell grants reduced. One kid said when he called they told him that once he enrolls in his classes, the amount will be increased again. I never heard of anything like this. </p>

<p>Has anyone had an experience like this? It’s so troubling that a college would do this. One girl said she applied early action, and they promised one thing and then delivered another. They refunded her deposit, but then she had nowhere else to go, because she had accepted NYU and didn’t apply elsewhere. </p>

<p>What could possibly be going on and is it legal?</p>

<p>Has she registered for classes?</p>

<p>Maple 370</p>

<p>There is another thread that states Pell Grants will re-appear after you register for classes. I have no idea if this is accurate. Also, is your daughter receptive to single dorm living? She could apply for a single dorm with own bathroom by requesting special circumstances. I know NYU is receptive to this.</p>

<p>Maple 370</p>

<p>What info were you trying to ascertain by visiting dorms in person? The way it’s set up is that each dorm building that is open for viewing will have one or two rooms available to be seen. It is a quick walk through.</p>

<p>You say that your concern is your D’s allergy to mold. What would expect to find out from the model dorm room? Perhaps you can get this information in another way?</p>

<p>Some of the dorms are newer (Founders), while others are in older, converted apartment buildings. If you have questions about a specific dorm, you can call the dorm directly. Numbers are on the housing web site.</p>

<p>As for NYU’s financial aid…I know of a lot of people who are initially disappointed with the aid that is offered by NYU. Lack of aid is certainly the basis for criticism of NYU and a legitimate reason why many do not accept their offer of acceptance. However, I have not heard much criticism of NYU doing a bait and switch or trying to mislead people into believing they are getting more financial aid than they are planning to offer. Not saying that it has never happened–there are screw-ups in every system, but I will say it is not a common circumstance. Seems like the Pell grant award is a glitch in the system. I would take that as being true as it seems that eveyone is saying that it comes back on their financial aid status once they register.</p>

<p>As for the staff at NYU, I can only speak from personal experience, but I have been very lucky to have had very positive feedback from many of the departments over various situations or questions. I have emailed staff and called them on the phone (and so have my 2 daughters) and generally we have gotten pretty quick responses.</p>

<p>I’d try to mask my frustration as much as possible when trying to get people to help you out. If you start off the conversation angry, they might try to pass you along to the next person rather than take an interest in helping. Good luck !</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses! Yes, my daughter registered today, and the fin aid office said that first it will go to the registrar and then it should go back up to the initial pell grant amount. Housing has not been very receptive to much at all :frowning: And do you know if the single rooms are in just certain dorms and how much more expensive they are? I’ll check the website to see about pricing. Are all single rooms together or are they scattered in different dorms (if you know). The medical director was very helpful. My daughter will start a picc line over the summer, and depending how difficult that is, she may have to defer which will be heartbreaking for her, but health is much more important. When you do a picc line, you have to go to an infusion center in the city (per NYU), and then you have to find a NY doctor to order the antibiotics. That will be difficult to do, because there are no lyme dr’s in the city that I know of…it was difficult finding our dr after 7 yrs of being untreated. It’s an insidious disease, and most dr’s are lyme-ignorant, thus, it has progressed to an advance state, so we are trying to reverse it in the brain. No a good thing, but I’m glad she made it through the application process and is graduating tomorrow. The fatigue is bone-crushing and so are the nerve endings…There’s no cure right now, and it’s at epidemic proportions. She had mold neurotoxins from the mold at that one semester of school, and if exposed to mold again, the antibiotics won’t work. She, of course, does not want to defer, but college is difficult enough without being sick, so we’ll have to see how it goes. I’m praying for a miracle and the meds will work. But she has to be on the IV a minimum of 90 days which would put her in the fall of first semester (and without a dr that we know of). We’ll have to just wait and see - we have till August to defer.</p>

<p>[Best</a> Doctors 2000: Special Focus](<a href=“]Best”>Best Doctors 2000: Special Focus - Nymag)</p>

<p>This article is quite old, but I would imagine it will give you some excellent leads. Also, your current doctor should be able to refer you to someone in the city.</p>

<p>Uskoolfish, thank you so much for that article. I can tell it is old, because the doctor listed in CT, and I don’t mind giving his name, Dr. Shapiro at Yale, is now the archenemy of Lyme in CT - He’s an infectious disease dr who doesn’t believe in ‘chronic lyme’ and has tried to get lyme dr’s medical licenses revoked. Thankfully, our Atty Gen’l, now Senator, stopped all the action and called the infectious disease dr’s out on a conflict of interest. They are all in cahoots with the gov’t (the emails were exposed just recently on all the ID dr’s) in May for Lyme Awareness Month. My how things change in 13 years! But you are so kind to have done that for us!</p>

<p>Maple 370</p>

<p>I know Third North has singles. That is the only dorm I am familiar with. And yes, singles are more expensive and I don’t know if the price can be reduced for circumstances.</p>

<p>Thank you Chelsea0011. We might have bigger issues right now. After speaking to the medical director, my daughter would not be allowed to have medications from her doctor. She would have to find a NY-state licensed lyme dr to order the meds, and then she would have to have them done at a hospital infusion center and we would have to arrange for visiting nurses. Looks like we are heading more towards deferring at this point based on that information. It’s a shame, because my d registered for her classes the other day, and she got into them all with the teachers she wanted.</p>

<p>Does applying early decision negatively impact the amount of merit or need-based aid offered? I’ve heard both yes and no.</p>