Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 1)

@BerneseMtnMom - Condolences on the loss of your father. Being able to share those daily routines together sounds meaningful.

@BerneseMtnMom I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have such great memories. You sound like a wonderful daughter and I know he felt very loved by you.

My mom passed away last night. Not “of” or even “with” Covid, but surely hastened by these last 4 months of loneliness and isolation.

Like so many other families, we have no idea when we’ll be able to gather to celebrate her life.

Many thanks to all the caring and generous posters on this thread, you have all been a blessing to me on this long journey.

@MomofJandL. So sorry for your loss. Never an easy time and the current situation makes it harder. Take care of yourself.

@MomofJandL, I’m so sorry. May her memory be a blessing and may your family find comfort and strength in the coming days. {{hugs}}

@MomofJandL my deepest condolences! I’m so very sorry. I have found it very difficult to delay the funerals. We’ve been doing lots of FaceTime/zoom calls with family so we can mourn “together”. May you find some peace and comfort in happy memories.

@MomofJandL so sorry. The loneliness our parents are suffering is heart-wrenching, and I am sorry that your mother suffered in these awful months.

I feel badly for all who cannot gather to grieve normally with others.

@MomofJandL - So sorry for your loss. Losing a parent hurts, but doing so under our current circumstances makes it more difficult. Find comfort and support where you can.

@MomofJandL , Sending condolences. It is so hard and isolation is not helping. But know that you are not alone. Hope you can feel virtual hugs sent.

@BerneseMtnMom and @MomofJandL I am so, so sorry for your losses. Lots of hugs.

@MomofJandL so sorry :frowning:

And the isolation in grief on top of it is so hard

@MomofJandL I’m so sorry. Isolation is so difficult for our parents, as well as for family when we can’t mourn together.

@MomofJandL I’m so sorry for your loss.

@MomofJandL - Sorry for your loss, as well as the way current circumstances compound the challenges. Wishing you and your family comfort.

So sorry @BerneseMtnMom and @MomofJandL . Such a hard time for so many reasons.

@MomofJandL , I’m sorry for your loss and the unsettling way of not being able to properly celebrate her memory. Both my MIL, who passed away in September and my sister, who passed away in February, chose not to have any service or event and I think it did make it harder to move on.

@MomofJandL , my heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry for your loss. You are a caring daughter.

Sorry for all who have recently lost a parent. So very tough, even if /when expected. Hopefully you will all be able to continue on this thread. I lost my last parent about 5 years ago, and still visit this site. I find it a very caring group. I hope I can occasionally share something to help those on this tough journey, and also try to remember some of the thoughts to help in my own. Condolences.

@MomofJandL , I am so sorry to hear about your mother. And so sorry about the circumstances.

I posted in the retirement thread that we had a funeral for my dad last night. It really wasn’t a funeral. But a small, outside socially-distanced gathering by my dad’s dock with about 25 people, all wearing masks. We sprinkled a little bit of Dad’s ashes off the dock. The chaplain from hospice delivered a message, and we found 4 poems Dad had written in 1975, and the chaplain read those, too. We gave gifts to Dad’s caregivers. We had no food, we spaced all the chairs far apart, and people left pretty quickly. Dad had a Bud Light most evenings at 5 pm, so we only had Bud Light and water. We were trying to be responsible and have some closure at the same time. Was it a mistake, well, too soon to tell? Right now, it feels like we did the right thing.

I think what you did sounds lovely. Hopefully it gave you and your family some closure. Sorry for your loss.