Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 2)

Thank you. I’m glad I will be with my dad and sister soon. Also that my BFF’s mom lives almost directly above Dad’s unit so I will see my friend frequently! Such an incredible coincidence.


@MaineLonghorn my Dad had amazing distinctive handwriting, initially seeing it got me teary, but over the years as a I sort through boxes, I find myself saving the most random things with his writing <3


My mom had very distinctive beautiful handwriting. For a gift after she died, my sister had a recipe in her handwriting made in to tea towels for our family. I have mine framed and hanging in my kitchen.


Wow, Mabelsmom - what a great idea! I might do something like that w/my mom’s handwriting. Thanks for sharing.

Cool stories about handwriting! The funny thing is that Mom was a typist and typed a lot of things! I found typed notes all over the place, explaining the significance of items. I saved some of those. I like the idea of framing a recipe. I hope she has some that aren’t typed! When I got married, she gave me a lot of typed recipes.

I don’t think my mom has nor used any recipes—nice idea tho.

Whatever parents have done with “Wills, Estates, and trusts” (or have not done) - I just purchased the 4th edition of this book by two lawyers Alexander Bove and Melissa Langa. I am starting with the glossary that goes from Abatement to Unified Credit. Covers many topics of interest and explains in a clear way. I feel like a few nuggets makes it a worthwhile purchase.

A friend’s DD just completed a PhD in a field of Alzheimer research, and accepted a job as Scientific Outreach and Engagement at the Alzheimer’s Association headquarters (Chicago).

Hopefully continuing headway on medical help and intervention with Alzheimer’s!


This was a good article about a person with Alzheimer’s:

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Coincidentally, the closing on the sale of my dad’s house was today, during my visit to Austin, so I was able to go with him. Fastest closing I’ve ever been to, under 15 minutes! A large sum of money was wired to his checking account. He will invest most of it but spend a little of it on his kids and grandkids. It’s sad to think of the house being torn down but it’s a relief to have the sale completed.

Then we went to a UT basketball game, his first in-person sporting event in almost three years (his disastrous heart surgery was in early April 2019). He did fine but the walking was definitely tiring for him. It made him realize he needs to start walking a lot more if he wants to go to football games in the fall. When we got back, he rested awhile snd then went to the gym to walk on the treadmill! When he puts his mind to something, nothing stops him.

My BFF’s 100-year-old mother, who lives one floor above Dad, got pneumonia last week and was hospitalized. She went downhill quickly. She’s back at this facility with the help of hospice. She’s not expected to live long. :cry: My sister is ordering dinner for herself, me, and my friend.

A lot happening while I’m down here.

Do not leave more than $250k in any one account as that is the max FDIC insurance amount. Yes, it is a very small chance that the bank will fail, but tell that to all the IndyMac customers who had too much in their accounts when the bank failed. He can have the money in the same bank (up to $1.25 M for one person) but it needs to be in different accounts, like a savings account, a checking account, a joint checking account with another person.


That’s good to know, thanks!

Years ago we retitled several accounts we had at one bank because of the FDIC limit. Each individual titling is safe for that limit. So we one account in husband’s name, one in my name, one joint, etc.
Editing this to say looks like the latest FDIC rules don’t let you do this to get around the limit. We may need to look into changing some of our accounts.

If he has a brokerage/financial person you can put cash in a fund where they distribute it among a group of banks to keep you under the limit at each one. An account I oversee has cash split between 3 banks in that fund. Can’t remember what called.

He’s putting almost all of the money in his Edward Jones funds.

Dad’s bookkeeper is coming over shortly. She has made it clear she’s not thrilled he’s giving so much money to my sister, me, and the grandkids, even though his financial advisor has told him he is all set. Ugh.

I’m glad you’ll be there. Maybe that will make it easier for your dad to stand up to her. If anyone deserves the money…

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Oh, thank you. The kids know they’re blessed to have their college loans paid for. I’m glad they’re not going to be saddled with 10 years of monthly payments. Of the four kids who are going to benefit, only one of them appears likely to earn a decent income.

My son in France understands that if it weren’t for his grandparents’ benevolence over the last few years, he would be separated from his Syrian girlfriend and probably living at home. I’m glad he’s appreciative.

Edward Jones is where we have the cash fund. They can enroll you in that and easy way to park cash over the FDIC limit. Originally this family member had multiple bank accounts. A mess for me. Consolidating cash has been helpful but not situation for everyone I’m sure.

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How does a bookkeeper weigh in on a decision to benefit the fellow’s direct relatives when the financial advisor says it is fine? Maybe doing some end of year stuff, but honest to goodness…

My mother had two small life insurance policies that benefited the grandchildren. That was very appreciated - applied for college and also helping replace a vehicle. Under $20 K for each, but it was a nice boost at a good time for them all.

We were in some lean years of earnings and also expenses maxing out copays and deductibles for 4 years with aggressive cancer treatments when we received inheritance money. That came at the right time for us too.

She just keeps a sharp eye on his finances abs worries about him. Im thankful for her because if it weren’t for her I would probably be doing everything. She was fine today and wrote out checks to me.