<p>I haven't found an old thread for this HS year. Are any parents of 2005 HS grads still around?</p>
<p>I’m not very active, but I’m still here. Lit/history major son gainfully employed in foreign country making some noises about grad school. Yours?</p>
<p>Mine is also gainfully employed. She started a new job recently in one of the most expensive cities in the US. Lots of grumbling about the cost of living.
She also spent 7 months working outside the US. It was a great opportunity but not the right country for her. She could have opportunities down the line with her present company to work abroad. I can see her taking advantage of that unless she meets someone special. As of now no significant other in the picture.</p>
<p>I just reregistered today, haven’t even looked here in YEARS. Son works in IT locally. He’s 5 years into it. It’s wonderful for us as the other 3 kids are in other places. They send him to NYC frequently. The biggest problem is, u just never know when a company will be bought out and the people eliminated or the office moved. That’s what’s keeping S from buying a house. They were bought out once and Son survived one major layoff. </p>