I am now officially the parent of a WashU 2021 student! We just put down the deposit. She’s my oldest - so I’m in uncharted territory… 
What are you kids planning to major in? DD plans to major in CS.
Does anyone know how the meal plan points work? They ask what level plan to sign up for - but I didn’t see much info as to what a meal plan “point” is…
WRT to the meal plan points. A “point” is just a dollar. But you have to pay more than 1 dollar for 1 point. AFAICT, this is essentially just a hidden fee. You have to pay ~$1300 essentially as a fee just to be in the meal plan. Then each extra dollar gets you a point. (And you’re required to be in the meal plan.)
BearBucks are better in every respect - but you have to join the meal plan.
@theshadow --my S17 is leaning towards accepting his spot at WashU. He is planning on engineering (systems or mechanical), but is also interested in CS. He’s also considering the 5 year joint MBA degree. Like you, this is our oldest and we too are in uncharted territory. Only a week left to decide . . .
@Hankster1361 - what are his other choices?
Parent of a 2021 WashU ED admit. For freshmen the mandatory level for the meal plan is Silver. I have heard that students do run out so the Bear Bucks are necessary. I believe there is a limit on how much you can spend using Bear Bucks.
There are a number of WashU parent groups on Facebook that are really helpful in answering questions. I recommend that all parents join.
Ooh - how would you find those groups? I found one for parents of 2021. Are there others?
2021 parents is one group. There is another one for WashU parents in general. Just search FB.
I believe those are the 2 groups. Both of them have pretty proactive parents, so definitely join.
What is typical amount to purchase in bear bucks if we opt for “Cheapest” silver meal plan?
Not sure what most parents put aside in that bear bucks fund? I know that laundry, printing etc… come out of that.
Don’t want to load up too much $$ in it, but at the same time don’t want D to constantly have to ask us to add more $
I know points from meal plans expire at year end, but do bear bucks?
My son plays football and has the silver plan. The plan was perfect for him with just enough points. We put $200 in his Bear Bucks account, and it has lasted most of the year. You can always put in more money if you need to.
I think bear bucks do not expire. Which is why they’re preferable to meal plan points.
@Hamurtle, thanks for the tip about the fb groups, but I could only find the one for parents of 2021. I would love to join the other one too if you could share the name of it.
How are your kids going about finding a roommate? We’ve heard about room surf, but my son is thinking of just going random. I want him to hurry and choose, so he can finish his housing application and hopefully get his first choice of dorms. Anyone have any tips?
@sagehen the other WashU parents FB group is called WashU St. Louis Parents.
My daughter is currently finishing her freshman year at WashU. Today is the last day of class, and she still has $800+ in meal points. We bought the Silver plan. She isn’t a huge eater, but she eats plenty. She rarely ate breakfast using meal points (she prefers cereal and fruit in her room). We bought $200 Bear Bucks and she has $10 left.
She went random on roommate and got a perfect match. It is now her best friend. As far as choosing dorms, I don’t believe that is an option. You put your preferences on type of room, and they assign you.
She loves it there and couldn’t have found a more perfect place to attend. Good luck to all.
My S17 chose WashU. So glad to hear all of the happy students there. Thanks @WashUHoosier2020. What does your D study?
@Hankster1361 she is an Electrical Engineering major and physics minor (possibly major?). I hope everyone has as good of an experience as my D has had. Good luck!
Get the middle meal plan if you will also be providing bear bucks, otherwise she may have plan dollars left over and they are forfeited at semester end. Bear bucks, OTOH, are carried over.