Parents of a 2013 out there?

<p>Hello. I'm thrilled to say that my son will be attending Northwestern this fall. I have this feeling that he or we are supposed to be doing something in advance of his waiver? required reading (got the book, World is Flat cont.) He plans to switch his language, so he wasn't going to take a language placement test, and not sure what to do about his AP credits. What are you doing? Are you flying or driving?</p>

<p>We are flying out on Southwest so that we will be able to bring 6 suitcases of his stuff for free - we intend to buy some things when we get out there. Insurance waiver form is on the website somewhere - if I have time later I will post the link - but the form can be faxed into the office stating that you are declining the Northwestern Insurance. My son has to do an online alcohol screening testing - takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours. He started it the other night and right in the middle of it - we lost power due to the storms - hopefully that doesn’t mess it up.</p>

<p>Go to the wildcat welcome page - there is a list of to do items on there.</p>

<p>Some of the pre-college “requirements” are school dependent. I know because I kept nagging my daughter and she finally showed me all the differences between the schools. She also completed the pre/post alcohol screening test, waste of time for her but required. Haven’t decided about declining the insurance, I haven’t read anything yet, guess I should. My daughter still hasn’t been able to figure out how to give us permission to receive her bills and grades, the program keeps telling her that her ID number is invalid and that they have no record of any student with her email address (and we’ve done both her NU address and regular address). We need to call today if we still can’t get it accepted.</p>

<p>We should be getting the dorm/roommate assignments sometime this week which is very exciting (or disappointing) and then a deposit and form need to be sent in to reserve spot and receive move-in time on the 15th.</p>

<p>I think we, as adults, are more paper oriented so having everything on line is a bit confusing. I would prefer a piece of paper or two or three listing everything needed to be done by parent and student for the university and according to school. Next week my daughter is done with her summer program so we’re going to totally concentrate on everything that’s needed then.</p>

<p>Oh and yes, we’re flying out (from NY), my husband couldn’t handle the quiet drive home! We’re shipping some stuff, taking some stuff, and shopping once we’re there. We also figure we can re-configure during Parent’s Weekend which is only a few weeks later.</p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>

<p>This what I filled out (Medical Insurance Waiver) - see Option 2 and I faxed as well as mailed it in.</p>

<p><a href=“Northwestern Medicine Student Health Service Evanston - Northwestern University”>Northwestern Medicine Student Health Service Evanston - Northwestern University;

<p>We are also flying from NY. My older son relocated this summer to Chicago and we drove him since it was too much stuff. And we stopped each way, its a long long drive. </p>

<p>My son is doing a pre-orientation program so that leaves us meeting him at school on the 15th. We will each take a suitcase and just ship the rest. UPS ground or Fedex ground are both very good and not expensive. We also did Bed Bath and Beyond Pack and Hold so we will just pick up all that stuff in the Wilmette store.</p>

<p>He just got his first choice dorm and is very happy.</p>

<p>We did the online insurance waiver and he did the chemistry placement test (he is in Weinberg) laughing the whole time at all the stuff he forgot and would not be able to answer. He is also going to start a new language. </p>

<p>Is not yet motivated to read Thomas Friedman, but I would like to read that book. Is the book required reading or optional?</p>

<p>I was savoring a moment this past weekend with my son and a bunch of his friends…shooting the bull and enjoying the mood. Finally, we’re having a relaxing summer! I can’t believe it’ll end soon. All his friends start earlier (Williams, Stanford, JHU…) They’ve went tag sale shopping, and got weird things for each other to bring to college. Cute idea, bizarre goodies.</p>

<p>We also fly out from New York, but live in CT. I haven’t had a moment to look through all the paperwork, so thanks for your help to get started. My third son will be a HS senior, so we’re doing the college thing all over again. Uck!</p>

<p>zweebopp - I’ve never felt sympathy for friends with kids one grade apart until the college process. I’ve got a few friends like you and I don’t know how you do it - I totally feel for you!</p>

<p>Yes, having 3 boys all looking at colleges year-after-year has been tricky. They all wanted something different…size, location of the country, programs…We’ve looked at different schools each year. First time around, we only drove. We visited about 22 schools. Second time, we drove to most places (about 17 schools) and flew to only one: Northwestern. This last time, I think I’ll be plane hopping all over the country, yet looking at only about 12 schools altogether. In this process, I have discovered such things as Naviance and College Confidential, so it’s interesting.</p>

<p>BTW: my son got into the dorm Lincoln. Roommates are the big unknown…hope it works out!</p>

<p>Anybody thinking of the insurance waiver, the deadline is Oct 1. Whew! At my other son’s school, the deadline is August 1!</p>