Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

A few notes on S23:

  • Just to be clear, S23 is currently admitted to UNL, but not Raikes (decisions for that not until early next year)

  • Maine is another school that may make the list — especially since it’s an easy, free application

  • Alabama…he visited there last summer, didn’t like the focus on Greek life and sports (at least on our tour). Last year they had a “free application week” though, so if they do that again, he might apply anyway. Visited UCF on the same trip, liked it a good deal more.

  • Our ideal price range is $45k or under (and preferably quite a bit under), which is why certain schools didn’t make the list. Admittedly, some of the schools on the list are probably pretty iffy to get to $45k (RPI, UMD).

Why RPI versus RIT (which has a great coop program for CS)

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RIT was on his first cut of ~30 schools, but not the final list. My best recollection is that it was cost – I think most of the Class of '22 scholarship offers we saw here/Reddit brought the price down to $50-55k, but not any lower.


That you have two in the bag that make budget…assuming he likes one a lot…then you have the ultimate flexibility to do what you want application wise.

You are smart in applying to schools that COULD make your budget. Doesn’t mean they will but could gives you that chance.

At any school I would talk to students and not focus on what the tour guide says…they may be scripted (hence Bama will talk about sports bcuz it’s a great advertisement) or perhaps the person is heavy into Greek. Through my kid I know more than several Bama kids. None are greek that I’m aware of and I don’t think sports there is a must. In fact my son complained freshman year that the honors dorm ridgecrest was boring. Not saying it’s the right school for your son…probably isn’t. Not even sure it is for mine. But for any school that may hold an interest but the tour guide throws you off, maybe ask to speak to a few kids in the major, etc. any large flagship will have greeklife, some more than other. But I don’t think it’s all encompassing is my point. It’s 1/3 of students there. It’s a lot but not overwhelming.

Sounds like you have the plan mastered and it’s awesome you get to see so many schools.

It’s great you are using your app slots. No harm at all. Free or cheap is worth it especially if a school like Maine is free and your son would enjoy it…well it’s worth it to your retirement :slight_smile:

With two very solid acceptances already, you get to control the script now and that’s awesome.



My D23 is exactly the same and there is almost nothing in this category - 3.75 uw, plenty of ECs with leadership, all the rest- but so picky!! Mid -sized but not too Catholic, warm weather but not South, Texas or California. My D22 3.5 without any ecs or leadership was so much easier- she just wanted big and fun and thrilled with University of Oregon!


Warm weather without the three areas you listed = New Mexico or Arizona.

Maybe a public with Honors to shrink the size.

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We are definitely looking at Arizona - D22 narrowed down to Oregon and Arizona at the end… I have been warning D23 (3.7 uw) that she is truly in the same range as D22 (3.5 uw) so their lists will be similar, but she may get merit. We’ll see if those ECs (strong for D23 two varsity sports and club leadership) make the difference (I doubt it)…

How about dc schools? Assuming Georgetown is out of reach there is GW, American, Catholic, George Mason, James Madison…


Those are on the list - she likes American but we will need some merit to make it happen we can cover 60k and are not very interested in going above that…she loved UVM when we looked with her sister but she is worried about the cold…


Not at the 3 Az publics for admission but maybe honors will EC matter. Does she have a test ?

Check UDel and URI and Miami Ohio for size if some cold ok. U Denver too Colorado State for somewhat UVM vibe.

Tons of schools can come well under $60k. And a 3.7 or 3.5 get merit, depending on the school.


Great information thank you! My D22 liked Miami when we visited and regretted not applying so D23 is considering… she last minute dropped for U of Washington even though it was a reach and she did not get in…

And 30 ACT so far, waiting on second try scores…

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Assuming the 3.7 is unweighted and there’s some AP in there for very reasonably priced (well under 60k) outside your geographies try the WUE (sounds like you’re from a WUE state and the following)

ASU, U of A, NAU,

Arkansas. Look on the map. More MW than south. Gorgeous campus. Gorgeous area. Booming.

CSU and Northern Colorado plus Denver for smaller. . In the Midwest, Bradley + SIU + Iowa State + Mizzou + Kansas + Miami + Ohio U

Mountainous = UNM + App State + Utah + WVU + James Madison

Coast = college of Charleston. Coastal Carolina, Salisbury

Alabama is your best bet …with that profile or UAH for smaller but you said no South. $60k would buy you 3 years. And over half the class is OOS including a ton from the northeast and Chicago.


My S18 with similar stats and EC’s chose Butler and had a great experience. Seems it would fit all of your criteria. Might be worth checking out if you haven’t yet.


Thank you that is a great list-- my D22 looked hard at College of Charleston and my husband and I loved it-- we had a ‘pour one out for CofC’ moment when she chose Oregon. You are right – we are from Colorado. While D22 loved CofC in the end she worried about culture shock. Eugene became an easier transition for her…

My 2nd kid goes there. I’m lucky. Cheap. But a lot of the aid came after accepting.

Eugene’s a great city. If we lived in California still I could see my daughter ending up there’s. Bit expensive OOS.

Why not Fort Collins for your daughter ?? Reno ??

Well that’s a big list take a look and see if any fit. All will make cost. Add Pitt too if she likes the city. . Good luck

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Sorry, don’t know anything about merit at those schools but DC is both warm and an amazing place to go to college.

U Hawaii Manoa?

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That might be far for her but thanks!!!

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Lol mine nixed it too!