Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>lilmom…hope your dad’s surgery goes well.</p>

<p>pmk… may just have to try that technique when son gets home.</p>

<p>thanks my2sunz! and bubbe and everyone else!!!</p>

<p>thoughts are with sewemma!</p>

<p>parent56 - Beautiful wedding video!</p>

<p>We are fly out tonight for our annual NY / Cape Cod vacation to visit relatives. But this year we also will do the 2-day orientation session at Northeastern in Boston. We are really looking forward to it. We took the option to purchase parent accommodations in the dorms. Happily the parents get the air conditioned dorms. </p>

<p>Next year PMK and I will be able to advise 2011 families on the Northeastern threads;) It will be nice to answer questions, after a year of asking so very many questions about a variety of colleges.</p>

<p>love these hookah bars, going to have to ask son if they have them here in alabama. reminds me of venice beach at xmas, walking along and there were people encouraging us to come on in/… dr feelgood was in the office could have got high just walking by and breathing deeply.</p>

<p>colorado… uab doesnt have a forum :(, but i have noticed the onslaught of questions already for this batch of rising seniors… i get tense all over again just reading some of them…</p>

<p>colorado_mom, I enjoy reading the Texas threads and answering questions, too! Some of the same misconceptions come up repeatedly (such as the myth that if a student gets at least $1k in scholarships, he/she will automatically get an out-of-state tuition waiver - actually, there are very few waivers given). I look forward to helping the next crop of students!</p>

<p>DB, the box is a great idea. I think I’ll copy that for my D.</p>

<p>pmk, THANKS for the organizing tips! I have a close friend who is an organizing genuis, and she loves helping! I’m going to call her to see if she’d do that for us. We’ll use the box idea, too!</p>

<p>I also venture back to the USC boards (upon request of a few alumni) to provide guidance, since H is an inside source. There are members of the Trojan Family that really take the time to help out the up and comers. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ML, that is the case with UTDallas. one of the reasons we looked at it, but i never found that for any other texas school. maybe that is where the confusion comes from as they think UTDallas is UT?</p>

<p>p56 - I LOVED their vows, and the pictures are just gorgeous!!</p>

<p>ML - My D took MV Calc last year and got an A (then again she’s never met a math class she didn’t like), she liked it more than AP BC Calc but it was still some long involved problems! I’d look at them and they looked like a foreign language to me and I was once excellent at math myself! The way UVA is set up for E-School they actually want them to take the equivalent of BC Calc first semester unless you get the 5 on the exam and even then say it can be hard so D doesn’t mind retaking that. They said her MV Credit can be used to satisfy 2nd semester math but she’s going to play it by ear and see if she wants to use it or retake it. I think sometimes she gets worried she’ll reach a level and not do well so I think she wants the cushion right now of it being easier. She’s always been able to do just fine but I’m letting her take it at the pace that makes her comfortable even if some of it is redoing it. She also likes being on the same track as other e-schoolers which I get too and neither of us were particularly thrilled with her BC teacher.</p>

<p>I thought the $1K thing was correct. I think it’s true for A&M. But I could be wrong!</p>

<p>Wow, lots to go on the closet purge, but ds did a lot in the one hour he devoted to it tonight. I wasn’t prepared, however, for the walk down memory lane. He found the long-buried picture collage from kindergarten. Seeing the pics he chose of he and his brother when his brother was a baby and the picture of himself in his first baseball uniform – I had to work really hard to hold back the tears. In fact, now I’m going on a quest to find the negative of the photo he loves in his first baseball uniform and sneak it into his dorm room.</p>

<p>parent56: I read so many posts here about your D’s video, I had to find it. Wow! So nicely done. I know you said you’re not a fan of pictures of you, but I loved that scene with you and your DD. You’ve got such beautiful blue eyes!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, shillyshally! That’s reassuring. I think my S is like your D. Today he told me, “You just have to have confidence that you’re going to figure out the problem eventually, and then dive in!” He had the same thought that retaking biology even though he could place out of it is a good idea, so at least he has one “simple” class.</p>

<p>YDS, I heard that UT tightened things up. DS asked specifically, and the woman in the engineering school politely laughed at him! Engineering has only 7 or 8 waivers TOTAL, not just for incoming freshmen. The website said that even if you get one, it might be good for only one semester (which is still about $11k, not chump change).</p>

<p>YDS - the room clean-out is always a walk down memory lane. </p>

<p>My son attends H & my alma mater, Lafayette, and he has joined H’s frat and the ski team, which H was also on. S went hunting thru the old photos, and found 2 pictures. One is of himself at about age 2 wearing a Lafayette College rugby-style shirt and his dad’s too-big Lafayette Ski Team baseball hat. He found another of him in about 3rd grade, wearing his one of his dad’s old fraternity t-shirts. I made 5 x 7 copies for him, and he plans to display them in his room in the frat. A couple years ago my mom made him an 8x10 copy of himself at about age 4, sitting on a wall at Lafayette with the big “Lafayette College” sign underneath him… we don’t know where that picture went, though :(</p>

<p>as usual great day on this thread, welcome checkers also my pup’s name, love the clean up suggestions as I tend toward becoming a future candidate for an episode of hoarders and my DS & DD are following in my cluttered footsteps. Today is DD’s 18th B’day and I am quite sentimental. Momlive I can also relate to the Easter basket attachment and I always check the trash before it goes out.
On a side note, just love the iphone4 commercials ( just saw one: new dad & grandpa) they really tug at the heart strings.</p>

<p>Aw, laf, that sounds so sweet. I hope I can find the negative of the pic ds likes so much. I told him to just take it off the poster-board collage, but he didn’t want to “ruin” the collage. :)</p>

<p>Happy birthday to coskat’s dd!!! I just saw that commercial, too. Very sweet.</p>

<p>YDS, can you scan it? If you have a decent quality flat bed scanner it may be possible to scan it.</p>

<p>That will be my last option. He wants to preserve the collage in its “pristine” nature if at all possible. ;)</p>

<p>Just got a phone call from ds2 at camp. He was bouncing off the walls with excitement. This is his third and final year at the camp, and, finally, after being in the finals every year, finally, his team won the Brain Olympics. He was sooo happy. It’s silly how this had made my whole day. It’s wonderful when our kids are happy, no? :smiley: Off to have pleasant dreams now. Goodnight, everyone.</p>

<p>All of you guys talking about cleaning closets makes me realize I really need to get on that :wink: I have an awkward shaped closet since our house was built in 1936 where it goes in about three/four feet and then extends to the right. It’s hard to store stuff in their too. It will definitely need to get cleaned before I leave on August 22nd :eek:</p>

<p>I also realized that I need to do some serious shopping. I leave next Wednesday (the 28th) to fly down to Jacksonville, FL to stay with my cousin and her boyfriend until August 2nd. I am excited to hang out with my family but then I’m realizing how much work still needs to be done :eek:</p>

<p>t_c - For donating books when they are age appropriate I gave them to my elementary/middle school. The library was never big so I was able to give some collections to them. But try local shelters and libraries as they are alway needed books.</p>

<p>Well insomnia strikes again. I am hopefully going to be staying awake for the next six hours since I have a haircut (my before I leave for college cut) and I need to pack for our trip. My family is heading to Kentucky to see my brother and meet his new wife/my new sister-in-law (oh that’s so weird). She has been here all week since she is living with her cousins in Ohio until my brother can find appropriate housing. This is my brother’s third time meeting her and will be my family’s first. </p>

<p>It should be an interesting weekend to say the least ;)</p>

<p>EDIT: Happy 2000th Post! :D:D:D:D:D:D</p>