Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Morning all….Just trying to catch up. We had a power failure yesterday and my desktop computer is now kaput! I have been reading along though!</p>

<p>Vballmom: Wishing you a Belated Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!</p>

<p>Lilmom: Also sending good thoughts for your dad’s surgery and a smooth recovery. I’m sure your family’s support and love will help him in his healing.</p>

<p>sewemma: Still keeping you and your loving family in my thoughts. </p>

<p>All the plans for getting the room cleaned sound great! DB, YDS and PMK…I’m thinking about them all! In my house, D and myself are the “organized” ones…If there is no further progress, we may have to call out for an “intervention.” :wink: I basically think it will get done when it needs to….Now, closing my D’s bedroom door is still working for me.</p>

<p>BT: Sorry to hear about the car issue. Though Yay for your DH and your S getting home in time to get the class he wanted. Sending good thoughts for happy hardwood floors as well. ;)</p>

<p>Coloradomom: Enjoy your vacation and orientation at Northeastern. It sounds like a nice idea to stay in the dorms and really get a feel for your S’s upcoming experience. (well, to a certain extent :wink: )</p>

<p>Coskat: Wishing your DD a wonderful Belated Birthday. Hope she had a wonderful day and celebration……And I love that i-phone commercial too. </p>

<p>YDS: CONGRATS to your ds2 on his team winning the “Brain Olympics!”


<p>I agree, there is nothing like it! Hope you had some sweet dreams. :)</p>

<p>mdemvizi: Hoping you are able to enjoy some restful nights. And wishing you the best with the upcoming weekend visiting your brother and new SIL. Safe travels.</p>

<p>And HUGE CONGRATS on being poster 2000!!! Very :cool: :D</p>

<p>This group is amazing!</p>

<p>Wishing everyone a Terrific Thursday with smooth sailing in all that needs to get done, with lots of relaxation along the way.</p>

<p>Have a good one!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>mdemvizi, I hope you all like your new sister-in-law! I agree it’s “interesting”! Hopefully it will all work out.</p>

<p>We live in an older house also, 1928 and our closets can be a little awkward, I had one of the bedrooms converted into a dressing room for me, with built in cupboards and a small walk in closet.</p>

<p>My son doesn’t have much clutter in his room, I am ruthless when it comes to stuff, I"ll throw anything away. S has never been inside his GF’s house, I think it’s because of excessive clutter, maybe veering into hoarding? All I know is he’s never been through the door.</p>

<p>Ugh, the dogs were rumbling about something at 3:30 and I never drifted back to the land of nod. Let’s hope I don’t do it at my desk or tonight’s free outdoor concert at City Hall with Argentine music.</p>

<p>S is having more fun at this volunteer work as a teacher’s aide with the school district’s summer school program, helping the elementary students with math. Technically, since he’s no longer a HS student and 18 since April, they said he had to be fingerprinted for the DOJ check. This is an understandable procedure but with the back log, it may take awhile. He said it was unclear that he could continue until the results come back, which may be weeks. I offered to him that if it becomes an issue, I could try to take it up with the Interim Supt, who we both know well since she was the MS principal when S was there.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>FAP - I feel you in the dog rumbling. Our one dog usually wakes up anywhere between 2-4am because he is either hungry, has to pee, or do both. We usually wake up and give him a bone and throw him outside for a couple minutes and then he goes back in his crate. He decided to wake up around 4 and bark and moan so I got him out. He’s been curled up around me for the past couple hours under a blanket sleeping. Oh what we do for our animals.</p>

<p>Good morning. :)</p>

<p>We had a barking dog outside early this morning, too. I didn’t recognize the bark, so I don’t even know whom to curse at silently. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I’m always amazed by dog owners who don’t hear their own dogs barking. Sure, they’re probably asleep. But so am I and I can hear him…rrom 3 or 4 acres away. /rant</p>

<p>yds, with a decent digital camera and a tripod (or a steady hand) the easiest option might be to take a photograph of the photograph. Take it outside in a shady spot. I’ve filmed lots of art work this way with good results.</p>

<p>kindredspirit-I was thinking about all you upstate New Yorkers :wink: last night during the thunderstorms. Did your desktop get fried in a power surge?</p>

<p>lafalum-how wonderful to have great pictures like that!</p>

<p>lilmom-I hope your Dad has successful surgery and a speedy recovery!</p>

<p>colorado and pmk- I will be taking D2 to visit Northeastern next month when she is done with her camp job. It will be her first college tour. If she likes it I’ll let you know :)</p>

<p>limom- glad on the surgery also.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Momof3: Yes the desktop got fried in a power surge! And we have lots of protection! Right now I’m using my S’s old laptop. I’ll be getting my “new” mac from D when she gets her new one. My H is happily smirking…He’s been telling me it’s time to get me on a Mac forever. Here’s to progress! Hope you didn’t have any power issues in your neck of the woods. ;)</p>

<p>Off to have coffee with a good friend and listen to BB&B stories…She has a D!</p>

<p>Stayin’ :cool:</p>

<p>good morning everyone!!!</p>

<p>ks…about to get “new” mac here too… oldest is shipping his car here for the youngest to use and in the trunk will be his “old” (1 year) IMac. i cant wait. my computer at home is on its last legs. (pc)</p>

<p>son seems to be enjoying his trip… leaving Montreal today to head to the Maritimes…but making a stop at McGill neuroscience department…hopefully will meet with an old professor of H’s when he worked there</p>

<p>omg… son will be in heaven…not only met the professor… he is now doing rounds with him!!!</p>

<p>Sounds like a great opportunity for him, parent56. My friend was diagnosed with lung cancer at age 3 and they found a tumor between her lungs and her rib cage. They were able to get it all out but she was treated at Johns Hopkins and goes back there yearly to check on everything. She’s been cancer free for like 11 or 12 years now and she recently went on rounds with one of the pharmacists in the pediatric oncology wing. She’s been thinking about pharmacy for awhile (she’ll be a chemistry major at Duquense University) and I think it helped her realize what she wants to do.</p>

<p>son wants to do med/research…and he will get to be in Penry’s lab today! only problem now is he will probably come home saying… i should have gone to McGill! got accepted but declined LOL</p>

<p>eta: mdem, so glad your friend has done well</p>

<p>Hi all this is it post #2014…Sorry could not resist will post my little news later I have been reading everyday…Good Day to all</p>

<p>Good morning and thanks for the well wishes for my dad. </p>

<p>I guess dogs get insomnia, too. My dog woke me up at 3:30 this morning.</p>

<p>KS, I’m jealous about your “new” mac. We have 5 PCs in this house and won’t be switching for a while. </p>

<p>Speaking of coffee, I was in Nordstrom’s cafe the other day and picked up a pkg of their coffee. I’m sad to say we didn’t like it and I can usually drink any kind! Making a trip to Costco today. DH and I like their coffee and I haven’t shopped there in a while. I heard that college board’s SAT prep book is there. D’12 needs it…</p>

<p>Morning all! CONGRATS on all the shopping/class selecting/tuition paying/etc. activity going on! I am so far behind I will never get caught up! Thanks to ks for the most recap so I can say ditto!</p>

<p>parent56 - Loved the video and pics. And doing rounds? Woo hoo!</p>

<p>DB - Boo on barking dogs!!</p>

<p>lilmom - Wishing your dad a very speedy recovery.</p>

<p>FAP - Glad your S is enjoying his summer volunteer work. Hope the background check delay doesn’t get in his way.</p>

<p>mdemvizi - Have fun!</p>

<p>Yds - CONGRATS to your S on winning the Brain Olympics!!</p>

<p>jackief - Have fun with D2 visiting northeastern next month.</p>

<p>sewemma - Just letting you know I am thinking about you and your family.</p>

<p>It’s opening night for Cabaret so I am looking forward to a fun night at the theatre! We are in a really good place for the college send-off - first semester tuition paid, housing assignment received and roommates greeted on Facebook, books ordered, summer reading done, dorm room shopping completed, on campus jobs applied for. We are going to a local clothing exchange store this morning to see what she can get for the clothes she cleaned out of her closet. Can you tell she is ready to go LOL? :cool:</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great day!!</p>

<p>you and D sound ready and raring to go austinmtmom!! have fun at Cabaret!!</p>

<p>i missed the post about brain olympics so belated congrats to yds son!</p>

<p>^^^^wow, austinmtmom! I am super-jealous of all you’ve accomplished with your D!
First months payment plans taken care of for S’s, no housing or roommate assignments yet, no books ordered because no registration yet,
no dorm room shopping done, no campus jobs applied for. That’s our scorecard times 2. :smiley: LOL And our opening night for Shakespeare’s The Tempest isn’t until August 12th. ;)</p>

<p>parent56-What a great spontaneous opportunity for your DS! My DS#2 is spending 8 weeks this summer working at Mass General in one of the clinical trials labs. It is also helping him to get a feel for what he may want to do.</p>

<p>austinmtmom - Break a leg to your D! I’ve been thinking about you since the local teen theater company is also putting on ‘Cabaret’ this weekend. There was an article in the paper about it and made me think of your D.</p>

<p>momof3…wow 8 weeks at mass general!!! son shadowed for a summer at our local hospital year before last…helped him decide research was the way he wanted to go rather than clinical practice… but he did love the delivery and surgeries he saw.
last year he interned with NASA, made him realize he didnt want a government job LOL… and this year he has grown roots from butt to couch.</p>