Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all…going to be 100 here today with heat index of 108! YUCK</p>

<p>lol gsharp…i guess in montreal it could have been shots…legal age is 18 there</p>

<p>welcome veewhitty</p>

<p>hugs to sewemma today!!</p>

<p>Sewemma–sending you hugs today.</p>

<p>Good morning. Welcome tango and veewhitty. :)</p>

<p>Son got his room and roommate assignment yesterday. He has sent a fb friend request to the guy, but no answer yet. The boy is from Newport Beach, CA. Wow. A Californian coming to Wake Forest! Neato. When we wikipedia’d his high school we were a little :eek: to read about some controversies it’s endured in recent years. And then there’s the part about Newport Beach having the highest household income in CA and million-dollar homes. Apparently it’s in Orange County. Is that “The OC?”</p>

<p>Morning all! Thanks for the coffee 2 education!</p>

<p>I’m working on those doughnuts for tomorrow that BT requested. The special assortment that YDS requested are taking a little bit longer! ;)</p>

<p>BT: Thanks for the computer wishes! The Vandy send-off sounds great. I’m sure the alumni were impressed as well. :)</p>

<p>veewhetty: I like your mantra. {{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>jc40: Sounds like a great orientation for your D. Glad she got her classes that she wanted and that you were able to measure!</p>

<p>Laf: Nice news about your D’s getting her schedule as well.</p>

<p>Not much going on here…I am going to BB &B today (not with D—she’s invited to a weekend home of a girl from UPenn with a small group of other freshman girls—nice invitation and chance to connect…She is looking forward to it)…I am accompanying a friend who has an S. He is not very interested in shopping. I’m thinking of it as a practice run when D and I do eventually get there.</p>

<p>It’s another hot one here as well. Hope everyone stays as :cool: as possible.</p>

<p>Special thoughts and HUGS to you today, sewemma…</p>

<p>Have a great TGIF all!</p>

<p>ETA: DB: YAY for your S getting his housing and roommate! I think “The OC” is Orange County. I can certainly ask my DD when she wakes up (she took the day off of work to get ready and leave for her 3-day weekend!)</p>



<p>Very wise words, but who will watch Toddlers & Tiaras with me? My husband clutches at his throat and my son says “not even for you, mom.”</p>

<p>My D has been a little more social than usual, too, but I attribute that to not having the stabilizing influence of the boyfriend anymore Did I mention how much I loved him? We have rules about them being home at a sane time because I have to get up early for work. It’s usually not an issue. She still has over a week to find out roommate and is on pins and needles. So am I. I really worry for the other girl.</p>

<p>It’s an absolutely gorgeous day in Maine! High around 80. :slight_smile: I have to brag while I can, then you can laugh at me when it’s -20 here!</p>

<p>DH and I are off for a weekend together. DS is getting ready to fly down to NYC to spend three days with his grown cousin. So I hope everyone has a great weekend! I’ll “see” you on Monday!</p>

<p>ML: Enjoy your weekend with your DH! And I know your S will have a fabulous time in NYC with his cousin. Safe travels!</p>

<p>Mommusic: I also forgot to wish you a wonderful trip to NYC. Enjoy your time with your S and DIL. Hope the heat is not too much of an issue. Stay cool!</p>

<p>jambaby: I also forgot to wish you a wonderful shopping trip in search of your “perfect suit.”</p>

<p>(The memory didn’t kick in until I had some “real” coffee!)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>It’s actually nice weather here this morning, though rain and thunderstorms promise to usher in a yucky humid weekend later today.</p>

<p>My S has also become much more social this spring/summer - but I think it’s mostly a result of his having found the right group of kids because he joined the science team in his senior year. He’s constantly out, but they do things like go to the local beach on a small lake, or play frisbee, or watch a rented movie at someone’s house. No real worries there. And he doesn’t stay out as late as the rest of them except Saturday night, because he has to be at work at 6 Monday through Saturday. His plans for this weekend are a Star Wars movie watching marathon on Saturday and a Magic Card Tournament (that he organized) on Sunday. I don’t think this is the drinking crowd from his HS.</p>

<p>Of course, I also have plans for him this weekend. I’ve requested an hour and a half to do forms (medical, etc.) and an hour and a half for the next segment of cleaning his room (closet was last weekend). He said ok. We’ll see.</p>

<p>YDS - you know you can see floor plans of the dorm rooms on the Carleton website. If you want more specific info, PM me and I will see if D has a mental picture from visiting or a friend that has lived there.</p>

<p>Sewemma - thinking of you today. I know your words about your dear sister will touch many hearts, as her life did yours.</p>

<p>Got a 20% off BB&B coupon in the mail yesterday… a week after we pretty much finished our BB&B shopping. Of course. Like the Target $5 off card that was in the mailbox when we got home from our big shopping spree at Target.</p>

<p>Laf: Check to see if you bring back your receipt, if they will credit you the 20% off…(assuming it’s a “Golden Ticket” one?)</p>

<p>hmmm looks like my plan of no tax on new computer has been foiled! max amount is 750.00 . well at least no tax on the peripherals.</p>

<p>never received ap scores so we are pretty sure son had them sent only to his school address…sent an email to gc but dont think she is there until school starts. i would do the call for scores but as not using them, will just wait.</p>

<p>weird thing…son called and a day into his trip he has this huge “cyst” that has popped up on his wrist (back of the wrist) that is very painful, cant move wrist without pain, very purple. apparently it “burst” yesterday and drained alot of blood and pus (gross i know) but the weird thing is it has set off the metal detectors at each airport! he has been wanded each flight as the walk through thing goes off…and only thing that sets off the alarm is the cyst!</p>

<p>Yes, that is weird, p56.</p>

<p>DB i wondered if maybe he got piece of metal in there working with my dad in the workshop, but no metal used… he is now in eastern canada, and we are trying to see if he can see a doctor as he says although it “popped” it is still about 1 1/2" wide and raised about an inch…and the pus worries me.</p>

<p>Woke up at 3:21 am to the text saying that we were under a heat alert today through Saturday. Gee thanks. As if I didn’t know that when I walked outside. Heat indices over 105 and very humid. Can I say how much I love whomever invented air conditioning?</p>

<p>DH had his wisdom teeth out yesterday and so far so good. Menu today consists of mango banana smoothies. </p>

<p>I realized last night that this weekend is the last full weekend that D will be home; next weekend we’ll be in Cleveland and then the following weekend she moves in on Sunday. Holy cow. I told her she has to work on her room; she did a big clothing sort a few weeks ago, but it looks like someone shook everything up again.</p>

<p>Parent56: that is odd that it sets off the metal detector! Hope he can get in to see a dr; when does he come home?</p>

<p>RobD… glad your H is doing well! is he willing to share those smoothies? those sound great in this disgusting heat!</p>

<p>Good Morning All!! Welcome to the newbies! This is a great thread!</p>

<p>D has exeperienced some of the social issues this summer also. She has always been a very social girl and has a VERY nice group of friends…boys and girls. They hang out alot. She has shared with me that some of them have started drinking (mostly the boys but a few of the girls) and smoking hookah. I have always tried make sure that I never act SHOCKED when she tells me something because I want her to continue to tell me…I was shocked at some of these kid’s behavior ,but I know I shouldn’t be. </p>

<p>I think it was Lafalum that said that they are no longer worried about consequences such as getting kicked off of sports teams etc. I think this is true and also they are now 18 and feel that they are adults. There are a few of them that have been so sheltered by thier parents that they are going to go ape crazy at college…</p>

<p>Sewemma…I am thinking of you today…hugs and prayers…</p>

<p>I have never heard of the t-shirts/sweatshirts at Bat/Bar Mitzvahs…I am wondering if that is an East Coast thing…same as sorority rush is soooo crazy competitive here in Texas and the South…I learn something new and interesting on this thread everyday :)</p>

<p>he gets home on the 3rd… H has a cousin that is a dermatologist in the town son is in… while not exactly dermatologic it may be good for him to see anyway…his grandparents told on him… son has very bad allergies and also has severe atopic dermatitis…his ankles were infected when he left and they said he didnt do the soaks and antibiotic creams and steroids when he was with them… so i bet his ankles are a real mess right now, lymph nodes were swollen before he left so he knows he has to take the meds…sometimes you just shake your head.</p>

<p>Happy Friday!</p>

<p>Boy, leave this thread for a day and it’s so hard to catch up. </p>

<p>We leave for the northeast this afternoon. We fly into Boston, but head right to Connecticut first, then back to Boston and up to Maine. I can’t wait! I’ll post when I can.</p>

<p>swtcat… it’s hard sometimes to keep the “shock” off your face, but agree need to or else they wont tell you things.</p>

<p>have a great trip BU!!</p>