Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Oh, fine. I’ll douse the torch.</p>

<p>MLH – Don’t you just hate those darn perceptive H’s? My DW always asks me how I know that she’s “thinking” something. Call it being in touch with the needs and feelings of our DW’s… aka “the fear of the unknown.” :)</p>

<p>BT – When you see “The End”, you will swear that you will never come out alive, but I met some really nice people. I texted DW to tell her to have them check the dumpsters if she didn’t hear from me.</p>

<p>RobD – I will be in TN all of next week. Do you think that you can fix the thermostat before then?</p>

<p>Zoosermom - By “escort” here, I assume that she is not driving the lead police motorcycle in the 4th of July parade? :)</p>

<p>tango91 – I’ve heard less than stellar things about the linen packages.</p>

<p>CheckersMidwest – Sounds like you are in the same boat as us… it is an hour to anywhere from here.</p>

<p>Jc40 – Hope you enjoyed Busch Gardens. Did you ride The Griffin for me? We usually get season passes, but didn’t this year since we knew that we’d have too much going on to get to BG much.</p>

<p>To all the UVA folks, aka Cavaliers, aka Wahoos etc. - it may be hot for August move-in, but it will start to cool down in C’ville by Labor Day or so. </p>

<p>Some Virginia college humor to get you started (can be tailored for any rivalry)… A Hokie goes to UVA and asks a student… “Where’s the library at?”. Wahoo replies, “My dear sir… at our University, we do not end a sentence with a preposition.” Hokie responds, “Where’s the library at, a**hole?”</p>

<p>Darn… anyone got a use for a sharpened pitchfork?? I was already to storm the Y</p>

<p>Lafalum84, I’m glad the certification arrived! My method for these matters is to try the phone/email a few times. If that doesn’t work, I go to the place with a tote bag packed with snacks, water, books and cel phone. I’m very polite but make it clear that the only way I’m leaving is when X gets done. Your kid is old enough to employ this method herself as well.</p>

<p>Hi all! Just wanted to drop in and say hello!
Just bought my comforter and sheets(Spiderman!!).
I’m actually starting to get super excited</p>

<p>LOL, Lafalum84. That happens all the time! Glad to hear the certification arrived. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>As for the drinking… our dear son knows we don’t ‘approve’ of 18 year-olds drinking, and the teens know it is not allowed at our house, but we are also realistic parents, partly because we have a 24 year-old. My cell phone number is given to my closest friends’ kids when they hit senior year. I’d rather wake up to drive someone home at 1 am than get another phone call (the most dreaded phone call of all) in the morning. I have been called twice for rides. I have also picked up our daughter and her friends (they were all 21+) when cabs were unavailable. It was one of the funniest car rides I have ever had. :smiley: I don’t drink often (except the virtual ones on this thread) but want all the kids to make it home safely, and want others on the road safe, too. BTW, I think our son would call his sister (which would be fine) before he would call us.</p>

<p>GSharpM7 - I was going to try to meet RobD for a cup of coffee one day while in Nashville, but maybe she will take me to “The End” instead. Calling RobD, calling RobD!</p>

<p>Off to run errands. Has anyone seen kindredspirit? Hope she isn’t lost at BB&B! ;)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: Yay, rocket6louise! I’m super excited for you!</p>

<p>S just called me from NJ because he couldn’t find his wallet! Yes! My mom superpowers located the wallet for him in the glove compartment of his car! From NC…I am good, or is he an idiot?</p>

<p>ACM: Yes .</p>

<p>ACM - Hurray for mom radar!</p>

<p>Tango - I’ll share my thoughts on the sheet set thing. My D ordered one of those sets when she started school - different company but probably pretty much the same. The quality is not great, but it is not awful either. The shortcomings are that they don’t feel as nice as other sheets/comforter, and may not last as long. So it depends on how much your S is likely to care about those things. My D liked the colors and has been perfectly happy with her choice to order it, though at the end of her second year she discarded the pillow and plans to buy a new one when she returns to school. I know that my S is more sensitive than my D to how his sheets feel (role reversal?), so I did not order them for him.</p>

<p>scualum - LOL!! </p>

<p>acm - :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Yds and scualum - I would keep the pitchfork and the torch at the ready. Something tells me as we move closer to move in those may be needed!!</p>

<p>r6l - Love your decorating update. Glad you are excited.</p>

<p>BT - The End? Sounds like fun. Just remember that Yds and scualum have sharp/fiery instruments if you and DB need rescue.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great weekend!</p>

<p>That is crazy about the cyst! Skin is so weird.</p>

<p>I also watch Toddlers & Tiaras… I am equal parts fascinated and horrified every time!</p>

<p>The Y stories are nuts! I am a preschool volunteer at the Y, and everybody seems pretty on the ball (so far). Kids are so cute at that age - one day this week we were doing music time, and one little boy said to me, “I hate music time because it makes me feel like a dead cat.” LOL!! I just cracked up.</p>

<p>I had major suit shopping success today - thanks for all the good luck wishes! We found a black suit at Banana Republic! The pants were magically on sale for $40 (unheard of) and the jacket was $198. I’m in love - thank god for the petite section! I also got the student discount, so we saved quite a bit of money. I took my heels with me, and I’ll only need minor alterations at the tailor. So happy!</p>

<p>Now I just need some kind of pretty, bright blouse to wear under the jacket and some kind of little handbag. Another shopping excursion is in my future… Hope y’all are having a great day! : )</p>

<p>Hey, everybody, don’t put away those pitchforks yet. We still have to storm the Y on behalf of my SIL. ;)</p>

<p>My roommate insecurities are subsiding and this Maryland redneck-with-a-minivan can’t wait to meet Mr. OC. Son, of course, is - and always was - completely unfazed. :cool:</p>

I had that experience with S2 and his wallet and karate pants a couple weeks ago. He called me at work. Based on his absent-mindedness, I had a pretty good idea of where they’d be, though I didn’t really know. </p>

<p>I was right. S2 was stunned.</p>

<p>I don’t know if this spidey sense will transmit as far as Boston, however.</p>

<p>Yes, ACM.</p>

<p>Here’s a dialog I had with S recently, while I was grocery shopping. S: “Hi Mom. I can’t find the extension cord so I can mow the lawn. Do you know where it is?” Me: No but Dad used it last weekend. It should either be on the back patio or the garage. S: “I looked there but I can’t find it.” Me: “I’m pretty sure it’s there! Look again. You DON’T want me to come there and find it in 10 seconds or you may be dead meat.” S: Okay, I’ll look again."</p>

<p>For years his “search and find” skills have left something to be desired (unless it’s part of some game at a group event.) And yes, the cord was unhidden in the garage all along.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


<p>There is a solution for the extension cord problem:</p>

<p>[American</a> Lawn Mower 1815-18 Mower Reel 18" Lt WT DLX](<a href=“Google Shopping - Product not found”>Google Shopping - Product not found)</p>

<p>Bring him home one of these from the store and he will never have trouble finding the cord again…</p>

<p>^^^ what is it about that…all my sons and husband always say…i looked, couldnt find it…i go and there it is right in front of me. i have given up asking them to look for stuff because i know the response and that i will have to go get it anyway</p>

<p>ACM, where’s my camera charger? I haven’t seen it since we got home from Surf City. :(</p>

<p>Acm- the cute part is that he called you :)</p>

<p>Here is my story of the day…:rolleyes:</p>

<p>DH and S2 are visiting colleges, last night I asked “did you pull out all addresses and put them in GPS so you have every thing laid out for tomorow?” “Yay, yay”
Sent a text early this morning with the addresses - just to make sure- Got S2 on phone in 30 seconds flat, this is not what daddy found on the website"…“just follow my directions kid”:cool:</p>

<p>2 hours later- “Mom, good thing you sent those addresses we were going to the wrong campus …Love you MOM”</p>

<p>Love you :)</p>

<p>High five, 2education!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hey all. I took my mom in this week to have breast biopsies done and I just found out they did find cancer in one of them. She has to wait until Monday (of course) to talk the surgeon but she is already imagining the worst (which is just the way my mom is) and so I am hoping you will keep her in your thoughts and prayers this weekend.</p>